REQ - Isolate Selection
Isolate Selection - Looking for a plugin that will isolate whatever is selected in an isolation mode and conversely exit out isolation and bring back all of the non isolated items. If possible, when exiting isolation mode, the tool will not affect any previously hidden geometry (geometry hidden prior to enter isolation mode)
I think currently there are a few option to hide unselected, but to revert requires one to unhide all.
Couldn't you make a group of the selection,then edit it [with all other geometry not showing], then exit the edit and explode the group ?
It's almost built-in already - you just need to shortcut the Group and eXplode commands... and it'd probably be quicker than via a script ? -
Very true TIG. I forgot about the "hide rest of model" feature in the Model Info box. Isolation mode in 3DS Max is a nice one step shortcut that Isolates the selection and also calls a dialog box that allows the users to click when finished to exit that mode. I always find it very workflow accommodating and was thinking something similar for SU would be handy. The built in feature will do just fine. Thanks for the reminder.
I use Jim's awesome Custom Toolbar plugin:
With this you can create a toolbar button to toggle "Hide Rest of Model". I use it on a daily basis -- very handy!
Thanks Alz, I'll check it out.
I've been working on a project today and I'm realizing that an isolate plugin still be very viable as a workflow solution. I am doing a lot of mesh manipulation, (FFD, Bend, Taper, etc) all of which I'm doing at the group level and to individual groups, which are tightly massed together and overlapping. All of the groups contain SDS meshes and are semi high poly. Using the hide rest of model isn't practical as I am working on a single group at a time. For now I'm just using see thru mode, but man does it slow down any mesh operation I'm performing.
I have shortcuts to make-group, explode-group, hide-rest-of-model and hide-similar-components and close-edit etc etc. These help with the work-flow when you get used to it...
go and check this page you will good script -
Tip_dj no. 13
The outliner isolation:
Make all connected to a group, then enter the group edit mode and make sub isolated groups. Open outliner and dragged your isolated selected groups to above top untitled area to Isolate Selection and when done editing drag back or explode if need."EarthMover" - dukejazz
"Isolate Selection" - Yes (Tip_dj)"Looking for a plugin that" - No, not a plugins sorry
"will isolate whatever is selected in an isolation" - Yes
"mode and conversely exit out" - Yes
"isolation and bring back all of the non isolated items."- Yes
"If possible, when exiting isolation mode, the tool will not affect any previously hidden geometry (geometry hidden prior to enter isolation mode)"- Yes
"I think currently there are a few option to hide unselected" - Yes hide by context hide
", but to revert requires" - Yes select hidden by context _ unhide
one to unhide all"- Yes select all and hide by context hide || unhide
"probably be quicker than via a script-TIG"
My point, the outliner is very good tool to have open and to use.-dj