[WIP] villa Skanör, Sweden
Very clean result!
The night ambient light is so real! If the sky had a tiny bit of clouds or mist, it'd be even more realistic. Great picture.
Does remind me of Sweden--as seen in films
Nice renders and usage of a free plugin!
Love the night-shots
My only point of critisism would be the 'hard' edges in your model:
You get more realistic looking renders by rounding/beveling the corners. Not much, but just a bit.
Now al the corners look like sharpened knives, if you understand what I mean
When rounding the corners a bit, you get a more realistic transition of lightfall and reflections in corners, what gives a more even build up in colour-changesIf you want, I can make some examples to show in renders what I mean
hi guys!
Bryan thanks a lot man, you leave allways a positive
Pilou merci beaucoup, for leaving a comment!
Peter, I appreciate your comment, the ambient light is just done with maxwells physical sky, when the image is finished I will add a sky in post production
sh00ks thanks for commenting... it is amazing the results this plugin can give!
yes I understand what you mean and agree with you about the corners, but I dont know a way to fillet/chamfer them within sketchup (im not an expert with SU), I would appreciate a lot if you could show me how to do it in a quick and efficient way (any plugin or tutorial?)...thanks again to all...
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@novena said:
yes I understand what you mean and agree with you about the corners, but I dont know a way to fillet/chamfer them within sketchup (im not an expert with SU), I would appreciate a lot if you could show me how to do it in a quick and efficient way (any plugin or tutorial?)...
VThe usual one would be RoundCorners (Fredo6)
cotty thanks so much for the heads up to roundcorners plugin!!! it is perfect...
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hi guys! after a pause with this project, I'm back on the track with some interior views, here comes a little progress...
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a little update, I'm feeling this view almost finished...
Very nice!!
I love the way the stairs integrate in the interior!
thanks for taking the time to watch and comment!!!
you can watch the finished images at the gallery thread: