Is Coffee Bad Or Good For Your Health? Two Experts Debate
@mike lucey said:
What are your thoughts on the debate?
i think the second Dr. (the anti) says some things that i don't agree with out of personal experience so i have a hard time believing everything else he says..
for instance, he has this mantra going throughout..
@unknownuser said:
But more importantly, it has a negative effect on the quality of life for many who drink it -- they sleep poorly and are more tired and irritable and anxious
i probably drink more coffee than anyone on here (and hey.. why not.. i'm willing to bet my neighborhood is
one ofthe best in the world for coffee lovers).... and i don't have sleeping and anxiety issues..
[and i notice he says '..for many who drink it..'
dunno, that doesn't seem too legit to say things like that... it's too easy of an out for him if i happen to disagree with what he says... so his response to me would be "well, i said 'many'.. and you're not one of them.." but everything else he says is true??
meh -
Without sugar it's undrinkable!
So bad for the obesity!
So drink water is better for the health! -
Many studies show real medical benefits for men and women who drink coffee. As with just about everything, moderation is the key. Too much coffee is bad for the stomach, nerves, sleep, etc... And of course there's those Starbuck's and Caribou Coffee specialty drinks that give you a quadruple shot plus a thousand calories of milk, cream, whipped cream, chocolate, caramel and sugary flavoring. That stuff will send you to the moon looking for an insulin dose!
I see the camp is divided into nay and yea! I probably will keep drinking it as I look forward to me cup and fag during the day ...... one of the remaining little pleasure I have left in life
I might however cut back on the huge spoon of sugar I stir in
@mike lucey said:
I might however cut back on the huge spoon of sugar I stir in
yeah.. i don't use any sugar in my coffee.. a little cream but no sugar..
there's something about feeling that hot melted sugar on my teeth that i'm just not into..[same goes for coke and other brown sodas.. they make my teeth feel weird afterwards so i generally avoid those as well.]
The problem is not the coffee itself, it is the dose of cafeine you take in every day from all sources.
WHile in the military in a unit medical facility I would work 48 hours and more straight and drink up to thirty cups of coffee every day. That level of consumption would wipe me out today. Chocolate is another source of cafeine as is tea, in fact there is more cafeine in tea in the equivalency stakes, it just takes more coffee to make a cup.
I reckon that cafeine tolerence is something affected by our exposure to the subtance and if you over indulge like I did, you will pay the price too. A little of what you fancy does you good.
If you really like black coffee and would like to cut back on sugar, try a little salt. the small amount of salt that will adhere to a dry finger tip will be all you need and give a much fuller coffee experience. They do this in germany quite a lot.
.... salt! Must try that ...... will do it now and report!
@mike lucey said:
.... salt! Must try that ...... will do it now and report!
(if i were you, i'd first make sure mike(amos) isn't misspelling honey.. or laying out a subtle practical joke
[edit] oh wait, i see you've only posted 30mins prior.. i'll give you a little more time to report back
You could try stirring your coffee with a strip of bacon, everything is better with bacon...just saying.
I put salt in my coffee, when I have it which is not that often. Not much at all, just put the tip of a dry finger ON some salt, you will get a few grains to 'drop' into your coffee.
Seriously nicer than sugar and as I do not add salt to food no imbalance there either. NOT a joke at all.
@solo said:
You could try stirring your coffee with a strip of bacon, everything is better with bacon...just saying.
especially these forums!
Bacon is surely best with a fried egg, cheese and a little malt vinegar in toasted wholemeal bread. Yum.