[Mega-Newbie] Help Curving - Picture provided
I have been introduced with sketchup for only 2 days, so I only know the basic shapes however I do learn at a fast rate.
So here is my problem..
The red line shows where I want the curve, however you are unable to create a curve on a smooth edge, I understand that, however there are ways to get around this by looking at articles, however not fully understanding them, due to expirence.
My project is a Boat, and this is for my product engineering project.
Would be a fantastic if any one could guide me..
Thank you,
do some research on "Intersect with model." Bascially you make a shape that "cuts" into the main shape, you "intersect" them and remove the waste.
Mrossk is right.
There may be other ways to do it, but it depends on the shape of the object, which can't be told by the 2d picture. If you wish to add the model or part of it, you may get other ideas. But at some point learning "intersect faces with model" (context menu) is good.
Great thank you guys.