Villa Skanör, Sweden
Can't set a finger on anything... Well done...! -
Chedda thanks! the roof texture is made out of the third image:, thank you for leaving a comment...
Frederik, thanks, I appreciate your comment...
Nice renders and a nice design too. I bet the client is very happy.
Very nice composition Victor...
cadmunkey thanks man, yes we have only happy clients
Allan your comments are much appreciated...
Very simple, very elegant.
Just perfect really. These remind me of Richard's renderings.
Olishea thanks for your kind comment
I owe you a beer!!!
V -
hi guys!
here comes an update... night time view
your c & c are welcome -
lovely renders! and i also like the design of the house
Peter and Carloh, thank you guys for watching!!!
The dusk shot is easily the best. I can't help but feel that despite obviously being a new building, adding some very slight weathering/imperfections to materials will make it infinitely more believable, perhaps even just the doge/burn tool in photoshop. I think the trick would be to do it, but so subtly that only people who know its there will spot it.
@macker said:
The dusk shot is easily the best. I can't help but feel that despite obviously being a new building, adding some very slight weathering/imperfections to materials will make it infinitely more believable, perhaps even just the doge/burn tool in photoshop. I think the trick would be to do it, but so subtly that only people who know its there will spot it.
Macker thanks for your comment!
agreed, actually some imperfections in materials were added, which are more noticeable in the WIP thread images, and then after final rendering and PS postwork for some reason it turned difficult to detect especially the dirt on exterior walls...
V -
hi everyone, after a long pause with this project I finally finished an interior view
Vp.s. got my self as christmas present a license of Maxwell plugin for Sketchup, this is my first image with the paid version...
Nice images and design. I agree the white walls could benefit from some light dirt/weathering, maybe something mossy at top edges and dirty at ground. I tend to chuck some of the decals on from CGtextures and mess with the blend mode, v quick. This might just be a personal preference though as living in Scotland you get used to being around older buildings that have been rained on a LOT.
Where'd you get your pendant light, it's pretty cool.
Great render and design.
Looks great. All the white areas are very grainy though. I'm sure turning quality to max would create an excellent result.
ATLAStudio, thanks for your comments!
I agree about the walls but the exterior white walls actually have very subtle imperfections which are more noticeable in the WIP thread images, weather here in southern Sweden must be not so different to yours in Scotland
the pendant light was modeled by me, it is agnes chandelier designed by Lindsey Adelman, thanks man for your kind comment!
Adorno, much appreciated for your suggestion...
I just read this comment from Jason Maranto in another thread:
"I've seen plenty of nice interiors using just Physical Sky or HDR only, and it will be just fine, but add a emitter to the interior and you are asking for noise that may not resolve until very high SL."
my mistake is having a sun light + physical sky + 10 emitters + 2 IES...thanks guys