[Plugin] Rain - v1.0.0 Beta
This is fantastic, the effects are very effective
Very tricky one!
Next will be to show the level of water grows over the volumes!
What a cool idea!
Bravo to you, Renderiza.
Thanks everyone for your comments!
thomthom – This type of feedback is very valuable and I’ll be sure to study your suggestion carefully so I can apply them later.
I'll be darned. Never would've thought of that within SU. Cool, and thanks for sharing!
The water is so real..Excuse me. I have to visit the men's room...
Hello Renderiza,
That is a very interesting and usefull job, thank you )). in a recent message you tried to link your plugin with our animation tool, does it work?
EscapeArtist: After watching “Advanced Ruby Scripting for Sketchup” by Scott Lininger I started to get interested in doing these kinds of stuff. Here is a link; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FALvwBN5-hc
3eighty: I hope that is not a concurrent symptom problem.
SimFonIA_team: You guys are awesome thanks for your “SimFonIA Animation Tools”!
To answer your question I have been able to run animations made with your tools while simultaneously running animations that I have coded with my own scripts like this rain plugin for example. A current workflow of mine is to try animating my idea with your tool before trying it on code because I find it to be faster that way.
One thing I have not figure out is to make your record video option to recognize my animation but I recently got “Fraps” to record videos which can solve this problem. I need to check if I can disable the “Elapsed” time but that is not that big of a deal.
A future plan of mine is to be able to share animations like flying birds, moving trees, clouds, ect… with your tool through Trimble’s Warehouse since I feel one of the strongest feature of your plugins is that the animation data stays with the object itself.
Thanks! -
Hello Renderiza,
It is interesting to have your feedback. We are surprised by your workflow (first using SAT before going into code) : very interesting.
About simultaneous recording of rain_plugin and SAT I suggest you send an email to our developer (I am just an awful physicist). He will give you technical information and search for a solution. You can join him there: bugreport.sat[arobase]simfonia.fr
Best regards,
That is very cool to know thank you!
Rafa, felicidades great plugin. keep on the good work.
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Muchas gracias!