Walls??? Need a Better Wall Tool for asbuilts?
I do a lot of asbuilts, wherein you walk into a building and start dimensioning and drawing. Dimensioning rooms in this way is actually quite different than drawing lines on a page and off-setting as seen in all the you tube videos.I need a wall tool that works.
I've tried using 1001 Bit Tools and Sketchup Bim and a couple of other plugins, but they are all pretty limited and relatively underdeveloped.
If anyone understands my asbuilt dimension dilemma and has some advice on how to create, dimension and edit walls efficiently, please let me know.
To clarify the difference:
Drawing lines an boxes over a known plan as shown on you tube is different because when you do asbuilts, you start at one end of a house, shoot a laser and start dimensioning one room at a time. Try it in your own house. It takes a good wall tool that allows editing and dimensioning, fast cutting, nudging and re-editing. It's more than most of these wall tools can handle.Thank you,
Zoe -