SU 9 Wishlist
@pixero said:
Memory issues?
Only way to tell is monitor the memory usage when it crashes. It could a number of other reasons.
@a_iverson said:
There are no cylinder, cube, pyramid, sphere exc. I try to draw them but it gets my time. All the 3d programs have them. If sketchup means easy draw then have to be in Sketchup.
Save yourself some time and add the ones you made to your own library. The reason you may not find them included is the way SU works with curves, or rather lack of, as everything is created with straight lines. Not a problem if you accept the limitations but the resolution of a curve can have a big impact on model size and processing speed.
@a_iverson said:
And the interface must be changed. Because when i open the program it looks like a child program. It must be like proffesional.
I quite like the icons for their clarity of function, but you never know, under Trimble they MAY be refreshed soon. -
I would find it helpful if the language can be changed on the fly...
(I normally use the german version and if I want to answer a question in the forum, I have to search the right english description) -
I'd like to see Photoshop-like actions to cut down some boring\tedious\time consuming procedures. -
If you have a copy of version7, you can copy the Component folder and place it in Version 8. This assumes that Sketchup 8 does not have these primitives? The only primitive not available is apparently Cylinder. In my copy of V8 in Draw menu is a command called Box, but it is inserted at a preset size as a group. EditGroup measure an edge, see size in VCB, input new value, and the box is resized independent of other stuff. -
Preference / Extensions:
I never heard or understood what the Preference / Extensions is there for. We need to use it to activate some plugins but not others. The window is ridiculously tiny (on Mac) requiring scrolling and you cannot view at glance what is ON or OFF. And as for a lot of SU, 'alphanumeric" is a lost art.
The addition of .rbz installation is good; but placed as it is here, I am sure it is confusing to many people.
Maybe someone can explain that.
I wish this were made more robust, or eliminated altogether. Why do we have to load some plugins and not others? For that manner a proper (full screen-able) plugin browser where all plugins could be loaded, or unloaded, check for update, show icons (if applicable), show location in menu (like the Help function), show in folder etc. would be best. (Would improve over the "View / Tool Palette" drop down as well.)
And some way of requiring that all plugins have icons / bars, that can be hidden while loaded
would be great. I know that isn't big for Windows, but the mess icons make on a Mac would be helped.
What do you mean by unresizable windows?
detection of section planes for sectional rendering in rendering plugins like vray, so we don't have to do any demolition with zorro
The Preferences → Extensions list was a start of something good, that hasn't been consequently completed yet.
At the beginning plugins were loose scripts. For us humans every file looked like one "plugin" but for SketchUp their contents were undistinguishable, all in the same soup. The SketchUp team has then later added a way to register plugins with metadata (and only those are called "extensions"). The aim of the extensions list is not that plugins need to be enabled, but can be disabled/enabled depending on whether you need them. SU8M2 pushed that further to allow us packaging extensions as rbz which simplifies the installation. I agree absolutely that this caused even more confusion because we now have 3 different ways to install loose scripts (*.rb), zipped plugins and *.rbz extensions.I whish for SketchUp 9 that installation will be more streamlined and the extension format more refined. Either it should be made obvious to users what is understood as plugin/extension or the install button should accept all legacy formats. And maybe we should just get rid of legacy plugins
I also whish that the UI will be overhauled. Technically and visually it isn't state-of-the-art, but more important are lots of usability issues, unresizable windows (edit: Preferences & Co.), to narrow lists, suboptimally chosen widgets for a certain task etc.
Wondering if sketchup will ever be a 64-bit program...64bit programs have been out for how long now? and SU is still behind the times
@smitty_lynch said:
Wondering if sketchup will ever be a 64-bit program...64bit programs have been out for how long now? and SU is still behind the times
Here you will find a discussion about this:
Ability to open much larger meshes via an obj file importer plug in.
@roger said:
Ability to open much larger meshes via an obj file importer plug in.
tried 2 years back to import a fountain from Revit architecture 2009 exported as perhaps an fbx or something, sketchup imported it with lotsa triangles. are you referring to the same thing? SU crashes when importing such biggies if i'm not wrong?
About Sketchup 9 - wishlist
Are there plans to change the way of thinking circles.- Currently, circles and radius are a series of lines.
- Could there be replaced by a single curve with center point?
- This function is surprisingly absent!
- Can we hope to have reverse arrows for odds ?
- Can we add , joints, linear movements , ..., to model mechanisms.
- Can we hope to be able to create our own toolbar easily ?
- The organization of the plugins in the menu or the context menu is difficult .
- is there some news ?
@arcad-uk said:
mi wish: That SU doesn't become bloatware because some people don't get it's lean efficiency. If I wanted it to perform like AutoBad, ArchiCAD, Solidworks or 3D Studio that is what I would have bought not come here b*tchin about it not doing the same job.
Well then who would oppose to sketchup becoming more powerful? Really?
Would you rather have it stay the shitty tool it is with huge a potential just because some minor glitches can't be taken care of?
I'll tell you, I like the ease of use and the clean interface that Sketchup offers, but I would really appreciate if they put some more precision and muscle into it.
I'd even pay 1000 bucks or more.And just FYI, Autocad and all the other CAD software out there aren't flawless either, overpriced and overloaded to say the least.
SU has the chance to become a working lean asset. I hope they keep it open for Rubi plug- ins, but they should realize it can't rely on those for ever.
@desertraven said:
Would you rather have it stay the shitty tool it is with huge a potential just because some minor glitches can't be taken care of?
Looks like you wasted your money buying the pro version...
With regards to its huge potential, have you read the DUH thread? What that demonstrates is even with a simple interface there are tips and tricks which can dramatically simplify the drawing process even for experienced users. People are becoming increasingly lazy, they expect the computer to do everything for them with one click because they can't be bothered to learn to use the basic tools. Result is we end up with a screen full of buttons, which inevitably becomes counter productive as you try to find the right one and then remember the usage process.
Yes SU can improve but it needs to be the core functionallity and bug fixing rather than adding an overload of toolbars for the creatively challenged. True arcs would be prime example of a step forward and it could be done without adding a new tool.
Export volumes and units in the units the template that being used in genertaed reports, rather than cu inches, etc. eg metres in cu meters etc.
@arcad-uk said:
@desertraven said:
Would you rather have it stay the shitty tool it is with huge a potential just because some minor glitches can't be taken care of?
Looks like you wasted your money buying the pro version...
With regards to its huge potential, have you read the DUH thread? What that demonstrates is even with a simple interface there are tips and tricks which can dramatically simplify the drawing process even for experienced users. People are becoming increasingly lazy, they expect the computer to do everything for them with one click because they can't be bothered to learn to use the basic tools. Result is we end up with a screen full of buttons, which inevitably becomes counter productive as you try to find the right one and then remember the usage process.
Yes SU can improve but it needs to be the core functionallity and bug fixing rather than adding an overload of toolbars for the creatively challenged. True arcs would be prime example of a step forward and it could be done without adding a new tool.
Duh, you calling me lazy? Just kidding,
All I'm asking for is more muscle, precision, and some mayor glitches, that have been lingering for years, to be taken care of.
Please, again, I don't want more buttons just for the functions already in place to actually work more flawless then they do as of now.
Also, again, My plug in folder is full to the brim with fixes for stuff that should of been integrated in to the commands in the first place.
Anyone who does serious work with sketchup knows that you need allot of work arounds to achieve the obvious.
Anything but a square geometry becomes a challenge thanks to those stupid constraints.
The push -pull creates redundant and unasked for faces.
There is much to fix that has never been fixed with the excuse of work arounds and plug ins which clutter up the work-space with extra buttons and a filled up plug ins folder.
And due to the fact that there are so many plug ins only tells that there is allot missing and/ or going wrong. -
I've noted this before and I'd like to rant without becoming totally offensive.... but
Besides the need for speed and better UI AA on Mac, real circles etc. all those much more important things... I have never been so put-off by an application's (actually working) function as the Preferences/Extensions TAB. I just hate it when I have to use it.
First, why isn't there just a plugin manager for all plugins (expandable to full page) instead of just some "extensions", apparently at the whim of the author.
Why is the window so freaking small, causing one to scroll and scroll-- why not a full size listing?
What is so terrible about alph-numeric ordering????!!!! I see SketchUp avoids this where ever possible.
And then there's the "Install extension", set here in an offhand manner to confuse the newbie. It's at the bottom of the window as if it has some result on the list selection.
Let's see a full featured plugins manager--what is SU without plugins after all? Also give full visibility control of tool icons to the user. If one wants them off, they stay off without having to un-check the extension or unload the plugin. The manager should be able to show the plugin's file(s) in the finder, or at least give the file names.
Like I say, this isn't as important as many things, in fact it's a peevishly small thing
but I bet it is a lot easier to improve than most.
Thank you. (Rant over)
Real circles, curves & arcs that aren't faceted unless you choose them to be. Yet still with the ability to choose x number of snap points.