Minas Tirith Rebuild
I have been wandering the forums for a while now and so glad I stumbled onto this little (Ha Ha) project. Mightily impressed
Thank you guys
look at this:
I just finished watching the Lord of the Rings after getting the bluray. This is a sizable project, but your quality so far is amazing.
Would it be possible for you to reduce the size of photos that you post? Your last one is 142+ cm wide, which is three times wider than my screen, and I have a very wide screen, so it requires me, and I presume others, to scroll and scroll and scroll to see your great work.
The 72 dpi is fine; it’s the width that makes it hard to appreciate the whole image without doing some resizing or viewing in another program.
I’m posting your image at 40+ cm just to see if it makes sense. By sizing it down to 15+ cm, it looks great on my screen. At that size I can appreciate the overall design of your building which is going to beautiful with the textures mapped. (The plus is the difference when converting from inches to centimeters, the 72dpi is “dots per inch”, I’m not sure how you designate video/monitor dot density in Europe, 2.54cm?)
You mentioned a “box” model that you work from. Did you actually mean like cardboard boxes arranged like the city? I would really like to see a photo of that is possible. I build models out of card stock and foam core, and imagine if I understood you correctly, that yours is quite a collection of boxes.
I have a lot of card stock models that I plan to use the textures from, to put onto SU models. Here is an example of a very simple model I did to introduce young people to card stock models, and you can see why I would be interested in your “box model”
So far I’ve only done a 12th Century Norwegian Stave Church model (another very simple building) in SU with my textures. http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?f=81&t=39872#p3524232
My biggest problem is setting aside time to get better in SU. You must have time or you work very fast. That’s why I thought you used a lot of components.
I will be watching for more of your great work.
Just mindblowing... ... I sent you a PM.
hey guys... still working on this project.. too late to post... I'm gonna show you tomorrow new images, in the meanwhile here you are it is a link to my italian thread of this project
and... this is my version of great gate.... I suggest to you to enter it not only to look around it
Hi And_And92,
Look forward to see more... -
@and_and92 said:
and... this is my version of great gate.... I suggest to you to enter it not only to look around it
Link is broken
I found the full link...
http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/details?mid=e36c97247eb2d7b3aacfe4310bb53840&prevstart=0 -
I'm sorry for the link, hope you'll enjoy going into it
everithing is modeled with that level of detail
soon i'll post new images
Yeah... Everything made in sketchup
You should print this and sell it. You would make a fortune if you didn't get new line cinema on the phone with a lawsuit.
If you made it scale for tabletop wargame etc somebody for sure would want to pick it up! http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/landing.jsp?catId=cat210006&rootCatGameStyle=lotr&_requestid=3647119
Your skill and perseverance are inspiring-- Your creativity and design-sense are evident. Enjoying the subject matter and as a lifelong LOTR devotee it certainly fits the Numenorian--Gondorian (sp?) culture, for me.