Just starting...but need to round corners
Hey everybody,
I just downloaded and began using SketchUp and love the software. I am trying to design some prototypes and need to round corners. So, trying to be self sufficient, I found the downloads for RoundCorner and the updated LibFred06 4.6 and put them in the plugins folder. But, now, when I launch, I can bring the tool up but it won't do anything. I can click on the icon for rounded corner and it changes from light to dark but nothing happens to the piece I have selected. Please help.
Someone else reported this on their Mac recently. It turned out the problem had to do with a permissions setting for the Plugins folder. You might check that out and see if that's where your problems lie.
Thanks. So, is this an administrator versus user thing? I ask because I did have to authenticate when I placed the plugins into the plugin folder. So, I thought I would be OK. Would there be some other place for me to check on the permissions settings?
I think that's the case. I haven't had any issues that way on my Mac but then I set myself up as the administrator from the git go.