Carved Brick Columns?
We also have bricks directly shaped during manufacturing so that different architectural decorations can be built up of them. Now thinking of it, even from Roman times.
I think the 1500's are this example. I'm searching for it and all I find is square columns. is it called something specific that you've heard of?
Not really the name of specific bricks themselves - but we have them even from the 19th-20th centuries, too.
exactly what I'm looking for Tig. Thanks.
Tig, Thanks.
Can't find those bricks on their site.
Do you have a link for those bricks?
Found all kind but not these. -
you'll have to join their site I think. then go here to this page.
at the top of the small brick window click shapes and fittings. you'll see two of the examples tig showed. but I can't find the others.
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wow that's a lot of info. thanks Tig.
Amazing! I love this and wonder if it is available in the States? I love the integrity in European masonry and architecture. Profit motives in the US have atrophied our artistry through the years, although glimpses still remain in our most crumbling of cities.
Here is the search result for a couple of pics of one of our porcelain factories (in my town). As you can see, even the factory buildings are all decorated (beside fine China ware, they also produce building ceramics).
The factory is still functioning although many of these older buildings have now been turned into cultural venues (exhibitions, theatres, university faculties etc.)
Went to NYC with a architect once and he said "Look up,".
He pointed out what he called "Bastard Architecture".
A mixture of styles & periods.
Amazing brick work & carvings rarely noticed.