[Req] Make groups from connected geometry
Here's my situation. I'm exporting .dae from 3ds Max into SU which works great but imports as a single object. However even if geometry looks connected it's not, so I can triple click a table leg, for example, and it won't select the table top. I can then group that, triple click the top, group that, etc.
What I'm looking for is a way to automate that process instead of having to manually triple click a face and group each piece of geometry.
Does anything like that currently exist or can someone think of a possible solution? The next step would be taking the geometry that's identical and making it components but first things first.
Loose Geometry to Groups
Actually if you read the last CatchUp Wyatt goes through this process for a tree import. There's about 4 plugins involved
Thanks, very helpful!
I wonder if there's a way to sort of combine all those rubies into one in order to simplify the process.
For those who come across this later here are the relevant details from the Catchup article...
Use Loose2Groups ( http://www.smustard.com/script/Loose2Groups ) /creates groups from loos geometry
Use Component/Group tools ( http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?t=17590 ) Convert in Single Component option /changes all groups to components
Use Component Comparison ( http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?t=30143 ) Similar Objects -> Replace Similar Objects / Makes identical components, components of eachother
Run Purge All ( http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?t=11758 )
I have merged all of these plugins in a single file for you ... all of them are lastest version ( 21 July 2012 )
so you can save your plugins munu space and have a cleaner Plugins folder ...menu item : " EDIT> Group - Comp tools "
enjoy these plugins altogether !
I could also make a toolbar for this collection If you really want .. but I think It's better to have a cleaner toolbar area
but REMEMBER that I I'm NOT a programmer and the author .. and I haven't added my name inside code ..look ## comments in the codes for information about authors ...
and maybe there is a copyrwight issue in my packed plugins .. smustard.com says that no one could modify it .... so it's better to install them separatly ..to modorators : I did this Packing myself and for my personal use but I think it could help people and could be usefull ... fell free to delete this post if there's copyright problem ..
Moderator Edit: The plugin was removed because the scripts that are contained in it have explicit copyright statements which the plugin violated.
Thanks pjt, that actually helps quite a bit! I wonder though if it's possible to sort of merge them into a single action that would run through each of those processes. I've tried it before with no success, hoping that it wouldn't take any real ruby knowledge. Is that possible with your script? As far as I can tell it lumps them together in a nice tight location but you still have to run them separately, yes?
yes ... its possible with an ruby action .. it doesn't need a long code . I will try to write it ... but you know, I'am not expert enough
.. maybe sdmith can do that job ,the angel who makes our ruby requests ! ... or maybe TIG , TT and outer ruby masters ... we will welcome
Thanks, sdmitch was kind enough to lump all of these into a single plugin for me. Unfortunately, although I think his plugin is sound, I believe the bug within the component/group tools plugin is causing the whole thing to fail.
It runs through the loose geometry to groups plugin great but then when it comes to the second plugin it runs into the error where it will often only make a few groups into components rather than all of them. After that nothing really happens and re-running the master script doesn't seem to do anything. Until the error is fixed in that script I fear the issue will persist.
If anyone has any ideas, I'm open. Until then I think I may be stuck running through the scripts manually.
Just to update, sdmitch revised the script a bit and it's working wonderfully for me now.