Image quality issues
- when i print my model the street along the building is greay but gets weird triangle reflections on it that print.
- how do i do massing windows, to look reflective without being transparent?
- how do I get the blue sky all the way behind my arial view without some white between the builoding and sky?
- got any good trees that dont take up so much file space.?
I tried to attach my file and it is to big, tried to zip it and it crashed.
so i cant send you the file as an attachment. ideas?
An image would help!
@cnordin77 said:
- when i print my model the street along the building is greay but gets weird triangle reflections on it that print.
Cathy, Cotty is correct that an image would help but...
Your first one sounds like what is referred to as "Z-fighting" due to more than one face in the same space. Look to see if you have multiple surfaces on your street and get rid of the unneeded ones.
@cnordin77 said:
- how do i do massing windows, to look reflective without being transparent?
You can't get real reflections directly out of SketchUp. You can use a material that looks like your sky on the windows or some other non-transparent, blue material. If you want realistic reflections you'll need to use some rendering application. There are several that work as plugins for SketchUp or you can use something like Kerkythea which is free. There are many rendering programs out there so it's worth looking at the various offerings.
@cnordin77 said:
- how do I get the blue sky all the way behind my arial view without some white between the builoding and sky?
I'm not sure how to answer this one without an image example. Are you getting a white ground that you don't want? Or is it something else that is happening?
@cnordin77 said:
- got any good trees that dont take up so much file space.?
There are lots of trees available on the 3D Warehouse. You could also check out the Resources forum here on SCF.
Ok Image !! here is a PDF as it prints, the blue sky moves with my view. so when I do an ariel view how do I get rid of the white? Perhaps now someone can help.
the zing was a planer issue, so I offset something 1/2" and solved it.
OK, Cathy, that PDF makes it clear. You've got the horizon being displayed in the background. You could do several things. Perhaps the first would be to select a wider field of view/shorter focal length and then zoom the camera in so the horizon line is low enough to be hidden. Another thing if you want just a blue background is turn off the sky and turn on the background color with it set to blue. Of course you'll get blue in the near ground as well.
The problem in your image is that your terrain doesn't really extend to the horizon from your current view point. Lowering the camera to bring the horizon in closer is really the best option.
As for your windows, you could just edit the material you've already used and increase the opacity so the interior of the building can't be seen.
not sure if I thank you all yet, so here it is
Thanks alot.