Sketchup / Artlantis / Lumion / Octane - el azul estudio
Yeah, great great work. I would be interseted in hearing about how you make the road surface. That is one that always is difficult for me, and it always comes out looking fake and flat. Yours - especially that recent freeway overpass one - looks amazing! Any chance you could explain how you make it? Do you have certain texture maps you use?
Thanx Solo and Chris
you are right about the prison bars heheh :s, we base our desing in some pictures that our client sent to us.chirs
we use clasic cement or road textures that you can find in or google image search, and then we adjust the light and sharp in ones..
nacho - topic:timeago-later,12 days
I always love to see your stuff, excellent as always.
Interesting combination of street signs and stop lights, makes total sense.
Only one negative, the curbs are very low poly (showing segmentation) which takes away from overall quality.
the animation
thanx solo, we need to use a low poly in the curves because its a very big scene (check the animation) but your are right.
its like a xbox game quality.regards
nacho -
- topic:timeago-later,9 days
- topic:timeago-later,15 days
- topic:timeago-later,16 days
i enjoy your Miyazaki work. Perfect detail and feeling. Thanks for posting.
Regards, Peter
- topic:timeago-later,2 months
- topic:timeago-later,15 days
more images...
[img:pm2awqd5][/img:pm2awqd5]and finally a virtual tour
thanx guys
nacho -
Mindblowing as usual
- topic:timeago-later,about a month
@michaelayne said:
Great stuff. If you get 'shift+N' which is a free software, (it is a perspective corrective software ) where it straighten all the vertical lines and some of these images will look even more fantastic.See attached your own image now transformed.
Yeah I mentioned the point to Nacho before about maintaining verticals, but their office seems to prefer ensuring no images do! For me so many shots in this great portfolio of work are just let down by this one simple rule.
By the way Nacho - I watched the movie of the guys and girls in your office, looks like a great environment to work in!!! Is the guitar player there every day? And which one is you?
- topic:timeago-later,3 months
Long time without post here.
Thanx for the comments Richard an Michaelayne, we are trying now to keep our focal lenght in 40-60mm for keep straight the verticals.
richard we change our office to the downtown and we dont have a guitar palyer heheheh, but we want one hehe... the perspective above is our new office, a old building of the 60s, we are in the second floor.
In the comming days will up a video of our new office.ragards
nacho -