Speech recognition software
Hello everyone!
I began using this software ,as a matter of fact I'm using it now, straight out of windows 7. I can select an object call out "right click menu" and the context menu pops up. I can then call out a command from the list, like explode for example. The object is exploded.
I really like using it, I think it is a productivity booster. For example, I call up "rectangle" place a rectangle; then call out "push pull" pull the rectangle up; then call up "select", get the select tool, select the box and triple click to select all; then, and the part i think is pretty cool, call out "right click" the context menu flies out and then from the context menu call out "group" or "component". Love it, it works well.
One very annoying thing. Each tool "change" the cursor goes back to where the tool is in the tool bar. Can this be stopped so it is just changed at the current cursor position?
That sounds like something the voice recognition software does. What happens if you get rid of the toolbars?
Okay I gave the suggestion from Dave a try.
You have to use the menu if you do this, and dig the commands out by drilling down. So the procedure would be something like "Tools" and then "Paint Bucket". That may seem a bit silly; or it might be a case of how sick and tired you have become of selecting commands! The cursor then follows the selection being called out which is not ideal.
What you can do with VR and Sketch Up is this. Call out the shortcut for the new tool and it will exchange at the current cursor position which is nice. That lends some practicality to using the VR software. VR does a pretty good job at calling up commands compared to dictation with Word.
With Windows the process is "Press 'L'", which gives the pencil. You want to orbit, so call out "Press 'O'". What I like now is undo, redo, and escape are just called out by name. Say "undo" and it will undo. Or "escape" to drop a tool.