Explode group, retrive all entities and recreate group
Hello everyone, I need you
I have this code :
def DefToName
@tab = []
@tabgroup = []#retrive all entities
Sketchup.active_model.entities.each do |entities|
# put all entities into TAB called @tab
@tab << entities@tab.each do |element| %(#00FF00)[# If the entity is a group, explode the group] if element.is_a?(Sketchup::Group) element.explode
%(#FF0000)[# I need to retrives all entities from this group HERE,
# If I put this code : "Sketchup.active_model.entities.each do |entities|" it takes all entities, and I just need only entities from the group
# after explosion, I'll do actions on this entities (ComponentInstance or Group)
# After actions, I need to recreate the group with all the entities from this group.
# For recreate the group, I have to pick the name of group before explosion into @name for example,
# Then, when I need to recreate the group, I put that name into the new name of group]end %(#00FF00)[#is_a?] end %(#00FF00)[#tab.each]
end #|entities|
end # end DefToNameThank you
Use a lowercase letter for the start of a def method.
You method will not be robust.
If you get a list of the group's entities when you explode it, they might not all exist when you want to come to recreate it - coincident edges/faces can merge.Why do you need to explode and remake each group in the model ?
Why not simply iterate the model.entities and for each group found you then do something to the group.entities, iterating that for other groups or whatever... no explode no remake neededSketchup.active_model.entities.each{|g| next unless g.is_a?(Sketchup;;Group) g.entities.each{|e| next unless e.is_a?(Sketchup;;Group) puts e # or whatever you want to do with 'e' } }
It seems to be good, I will try to execute itI have a group which contains components. And with this component, I need to copy definition name into name (the copy works thanks to you. Thank to you TIG!!).
So, to access to this component for doing modification, I tought I need to explode it.You just tell me it's possible to make modification without exploding groups.
I will try this and I tell you if it's work or not.
How do you use "next unless" ?
I search it into "Automatic_SketchUp.pdf", I found nothing
"next unless" is ruby code - no Sketchup needed. TIG's code basically says "unless g is a Sketchup::Group, move on to the next item in each. It is functionally the same as the following, but reads a little cleaner:
Sketchup.active_model.entities.each{|g| if g.is_a? Sketchup;;Group g.entities.each{|e| if g.is_a? Sketchup;;Group puts e # or whatever you want to do with 'e' end } end }
When you do a 'test' you can do it like this
` if e.is_a?(Sketchup::Group)do stuff
if you want to negate the match use
if not e.is_a?(Sketchup::Group)do stuff
if ! e.is_a?(Sketchup::Group)do stuff
there is the opposite of 'if' which is 'unless', so
unless e.is_a?(Sketchup::Group)do stuff
where 'unless...' is the same as 'if not...'Now when you make a if...end or unless...end block and you nest other blocks of code within those it's easy to loose track of which 'end' ends what!
I prefer to use a one line test to skip or jump out of a block.
` es.each{|e|
next unless e.is_a?(Sketchup::Group)not a group so skip to the next item
OR we do stuff to e because it IS a group!
next unless e.is_a?(Sketchup::Group)is the same as
next if not e.is_a?(Sketchup::Group)You don't need an 'end' to a single line test where it follows the action. The 'next' simply skips to the next item in the array/list. Using 'break' stops the iteration - useful if you are testing for ONE thing and you have found it... like
if e.is_a?(Sketchup::Group) and e.name=="FOO"
puts g if g`
which sets 'g' to nil, but then makes it a reference to ONE group named 'FOO' if it's found in the tested list, if found it breaks out of the {} and 'puts' it... Note how the 'g' is defined outside of the block {} so you can use it later, references initiated inside a {} are not visible to later processes.One tip more... you can iterate an 'entities' collection just as it it were an array, BUT if you intend to do anything to the items in the collection, like erase some, then you must convert it into a snapshot array as you start because otherwise your changes will change the entities collection as you iterate through it and give unexpected results...
So use
group.entities.to_a.each{|e| e.erase! unless e.is_a?(Sketchup::Edge) }
to erase everything in a group that is not an Edge - i.e. all faces and groups etc.
group.entities.each{|e| e.erase! unless e.is_a?(Sketchup::Edge) }
will fail to erase everything as the list will change dynamically as you change it, and so some might get missed. -
Hmmm, I will meditate on this.
It's a new notion for me, let me a little time to understand itnow, I try the code
WOOOOOW TIG !I don't have time enough to read all answer and you wrote that !!
lol !
I have 2 bigs difficulties :
The first one is to understand correctly the English(I can manage that)
The second one is to understand Ruby and SketchUp language subtleties ---> AAAHHHHThanks
I try this code
Maybe I don't know how to use that...
What I need to do is to retrive all entities, then I select what I need to do if it's a group or if it's a component.
If it's a component, I copy the DefinitionName into Name.
If it's a group, I need to copy DefinitionName into Name for all components into the groupThe problem : I don't know how get into the group then copy the definition without exploding this
code for copying definition into name
if element.definition.name[0] != 0 && element.name == "" element.name = "#{element.definition.name}" end # end if
You seem to be making this too complex...
Your last piece of code seems to make no senseEvery definition has a unique name that is a 'string'.
Please try and explain [simply] what you want to do - in words, not code...
It IS straightforward to find definition/instance names, BUT what do you want and what will you ultimately do with them ??? -
I'm a student in computer science into a small business. My boss use Sketchup Pro and he asks me do make a plugin which count all entities in a design.
It tells you how many components and groups are they in the design.
We have already use that plugin but there are some bugs.
If we don't put a name into the component, the plugin display nothing (that's why I ask you how to copy definition name into name).
The other problem is : when you have a group, into that group you can have some components and the plugin didn't count these components, that's why I ask how to get into a group without exploding this.Voila
OK !
Let's start at the other end...
Rather than try and mine into the model, shortcut it by examining definitions...A model has definitions.
These refer to components, groups and images.
Definitions have instances methods, so you can count how many there are etc.
This example code iterates through all of the model's definitions, list their type, name, instances [with name and parent] etc...model=Sketchup.active_model collection=[] model.definitions.each{|defn| details=[] if defn.image? details << "IMAGE" elsif defn.group? details << "GROUP" else #component details << "COMPO" end if defn.image? details << defn.path #images have no name else details << defn.name end insts=[] defn.instances.each{|ins| inst=[] if defn.image? inst << '' #image instances have no name else inst << ins.name end par=ins.parent if par==model inst << "MODEL" else inst << par.name end insts << inst } details << insts collection << details } collection.sort! puts collection
OR write [puts] 'collection' into a file etc...
The format is
COMPO, Compo#1, , Group#1 COMPO, Compo#1, Cxxxxxx, MODEL GROUP, Group#1, MyGroup, MODEL GROUP, Group#2, , Compo#1 IMAGE, C:/Temp/My.png, , MODEL
the empty fields ', ,' is where an instance or group has no name assigned. -
Does your boss ever use the
Model Info > Statistics panel ??
@dan rathbun said:
Does your boss ever use the
Model Info > Statistics panel ??[attachment=1:1ebrpxvl]<!-- ia1 -->ModelInfo_Statistics.png<!-- ia1 -->[/attachment:1ebrpxvl]
Yes he knows this tool, but it don't give you the texture (in mΒ²) and of the components neither groups
thanks to all everybody !!! I think I found the solution.
When I need to found each entities in a group I use that :
if g.is_a?(Sketchup;;Group) g.entities.each do |element| if element.definition.name[0] != 0 && element.name == "" element.name = "#{element.definition.name}" end # end if end #|element|
With that, I can change the name of component inside a group
The first code of TIG gave me an idea, I combine my code with a piece of code from him and it worked ! (it was only a sample of code used to test for me)
Now I have to copy that piece of code in the big one !Before :
After launching the plugin :