A new home for SketchUp
Another good perspective from the CAD industry press. I'm sure Roopinder would appreciate it if you guys read his post and gave him your thoughts on the deal.
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@jbacus said:
Another good perspective from the CAD industry press. I'm sure Roopinder would appreciate it if you guys read his post and gave him your thoughts on the deal.
.Ha, "the AEC cOmmunity might not have jumped on SketchUp to create the built world"...
How far 'inside' is the CADInsider that this is a belief?
from a few of these articles, I get the sense that the warehouse is the "face" of Sketchup to the uninitiated. Of course
@unknownuser said:the DIYers sure jumped on it to make whatever whirligig, gizmos, low-riders, furniture, or whatever crazy contraption that was in their head
Really, if all you look at is the warehouse, you'll get a rather slanted view of Sketchup and it's capabilities. In my neck of the woods, most architects I know have used Sketchup. I think the AEC adoption is quite high. I do have to agree Autodesk would have been wise to buy it, from a market standpoint.
@jbacus said:
Another good perspective from the CAD industry press. I'm sure Roopinder would appreciate it if you guys read his post and gave him your thoughts on the deal.
."I had to make a factory layout. Letโs see, should I make each machine in 123D, even if was free and easy to use (supposedly)? Or should I use models from the SketchUp library. I found Bridgeports, lathes, drill presses, tables, even a water jet cutter in the SketchUp library. In less than one hour, I had a reasonable attempt at a factory layout. In fact, every tool and machine I needed was there. How deep was this library? Out of curiosity, I looked for Adirondack chairs. There were dozens of Adirondack chair designs, for Godโs sake."
He clearly has a higher opinion of the 3DW than most of Sketchucation.
@johnsenior1973 said:
He clearly has a higher opinion of the 3DW than most of Sketchucation.
I'm not saying the warehouse itself is crap, just a large volume of models in it are. Do you not agree that it takes some sorting before one finds usable models of any particular thing. See this related thread
@andybot said:
@johnsenior1973 said:
He clearly has a higher opinion of the 3DW than most of Sketchucation.
I'm not saying the warehouse itself is crap, just a large volume of models in it are. Do you not agree that it takes some sorting before one finds usable models of any particular thing. See this related thread
I think that there are hundreds of thousands of models that are crap. But I think that it's relatively easy to sift through and quickly find fantastic models that are easily usable.
Personally, I think that there is a snobbishness towards the 3DW that is similar to the snobbishness towards SU. I would instantly ignore anyone who referred to SU as a toy, but I think that SUers who refer to 3DW as a "repository of crap" are just as ignorant.
@unknownuser said:
I would instantly ignore anyone who referred to SU as a toy, but I think that SUers who refer to 3DW as a "repository of crap" are just as ignorant.
Okay! potato potaato.
@johnsenior1973 said:
I think that there are hundreds of thousands of models that are crap. But I think that it's relatively easy to sift through and quickly find fantastic models that are easily usable.
OK, so you agree.
But sometimes those fantastic models are just not there. That's why there's formfonts
@mike lucey said:
I doubt very much there was ever a chance that this could have happened. To 'buy' something, it has to be made available to one in the first place at a consideration!
Mike, EVERYTHING is for sale!!!
I can tell you a stack of stories of knocking on people's doors to ask if they want to sell out to a developer and it almost always starts with "NO!". A few weeks later the surveyors are on site!
I think the full saying is, Everything is for sale, for the right price! The tail makes a big difference.
From what I read and I have been reading an awful lot about this happening over the past few days, Google don't seem to have ever been in the asset selling game, they buy and it looks like when the purchase no longer fits into their plan its shelved to gather dust rather than re-sold, possibly giving competitors an edge. Makes sense if a company can afford to do it.
Take Bump Top for example bought and shelved by Google. I first saw it on TED, Anand Agarawala demos Bump Top on TED http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=5&ved=0CEgQtwIwBA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ted.com%2Ftalks%2Fanand_agarawala_demos_his_bumptop_desktop.html&ei=JNCgT4K2IMOx0AXw4OiCCA&usg=AFQjCNFIqBQ-L8d8YB4VT2aw_aXJbh6olw&sig2=CtnpNMo6eRgw8sPLlzllOw
I was fortunate to be an early adopter and purchased a Pro license and have been using it for a couple of year now. BTW, its also got the 'fun factor' a rare thing in utility software.
Then there's the well know fact that you can't buy Killarney! How Can You Buy Killarney
http://www.kovideo.net/how-can-you-buy-killarney-lyrics-josef-locke-446579.html If you want to take a break and listen to Joe sing it, http://youtu.be/fO_p-4f9YUA Although the way this country is going at the moment, it would not surprise me if Killarney was sold to pay the Bond Holders!Back on track. Its been reported that this is the first time Google have actually sold an asset. Maybe the 'times they are a changing!' but I doubt it. Join the dots and see the picture!
@andybot said:
I do have to agree Autodesk would have been wise to buy it, from a market standpoint.
But given the sentiments aired around here they would have to factor in a shrinking user base for the anyone-but-autodesk software users which would devalue the purchase. Maybe that's why their buyouts fail?
If that is the case, then the only thing that makes sense is that Trimble has something Google wants badly -- which means this deal is really about something else, and SketchUp was thrown in to make the deal go through.
Jason. -
Time will tell
Good read John, thanks for posting. I think the author is making a bad comparison though. SU is not a parametric 3D program and probably never will be. It seems that 123D, being based on Inventor, is geared to a different audience. Its file export formats point to this as well. One can do "part" design on SU but there might be a better tool for that need. I would also not look to 123D to model a house facade. Sure I can drive that nail in with the side of a wrench but why would I want too?
@jbacus said:
Another good perspective from the CAD industry press. I'm sure Roopinder would appreciate it if you guys read his post and gave him your thoughts on the deal.
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@unknownuser said:
SU is not a parametric 3D program and probably never will be.
It's partially parametric. You can change edge length from the Entity window, arc segments - there is Dynamic Components - there are plugins that generates parametric geometry (I made a utah teapot plugin with parametric properties - I'm working on Bezier Surface where meshes are parametrically controlled with bezier curves and modifiers.)
@thomthom said:
@unknownuser said:
SU is not a parametric 3D program and probably never will be.
It's partially parametric. You can change edge length from the Entity window, arc segments - there is Dynamic Components - there are plugins that generates parametric geometry (I made a utah teapot plugin with parametric properties - I'm working on Bezier Surface where meshes are parametrically controlled with bezier curves and modifiers.)
Thomthom Have you seen this thing:
Very inspiring. -
Very interesting!
@rv1974 said:
@thomthom said:
@unknownuser said:
SU is not a parametric 3D program and probably never will be.
It's partially parametric. You can change edge length from the Entity window, arc segments - there is Dynamic Components - there are plugins that generates parametric geometry (I made a utah teapot plugin with parametric properties - I'm working on Bezier Surface where meshes are parametrically controlled with bezier curves and modifiers.)
Thomthom Have you seen this thing:
Very inspiring.Thats pretty cool!
@rv1974 said:
@thomthom said:
@unknownuser said:
SU is not a parametric 3D program and probably never will be.
It's partially parametric. You can change edge length from the Entity window, arc segments - there is Dynamic Components - there are plugins that generates parametric geometry (I made a utah teapot plugin with parametric properties - I'm working on Bezier Surface where meshes are parametrically controlled with bezier curves and modifiers.)
Thomthom Have you seen this thing:
Very inspiring.How much??? ($$$$$)