A Welcome Message to New SketchUcation Members
I am French and I live in Paris. I teach technology in middle school. I would like improve my abilities to use Sketchup. The trouble is I am not very good at English, espacially at "technical English". So I would like to participate at french forum. I think I chekboxed in French forum, but it looks that it does'nt work...
Thank you for your answer.
Alexus -
Hi Alexus and welcome!
Do you teach SketchUp?
Your usergroup settings seem to work and you are in the French usergroup. You should be able to see and post in the French forum now.
Beware of Pilou!
Thank you for your answer.
I got this message "Congratulations,
You have been added to the "Français" group on "SketchUcation Community
But when I click I get "You are not authorised to view the member list or profiles".
Does it means I have to wait a little bit or something is it wrong ?
I answer your question : Yes I would like to teach sketchup seriously, but I have no lesson ready to use which is related with the national Technology program. Anyway, I have to learn much more about Sketchup.
By the way, I am 51 and some of my pupils know Sketchup and they are much better than me...
See you.
Alexus -
@alexus said:
Does it means I have to wait a little bit
Yes, newly registered members have some limited permissions for a short while. Here it's about the member list and profiles, not the forum itself
However at the bottom of the forum index, you should see the French forum.
Thanks for your kind message!
Just installed SU8 Pro and am trying to learn the ropes. Went through the Google tutorials and am hooked. I'm looking forward to playing/learning more!
hi all... this is newby from indonesia, its been 3 years i knew this gorgeous application... i dont spend much time in sketchup cause i'm 2D designer... most of time i'm using corel and illustrator. but i kept 2 gigas of sketchup designs download from the Warehouse.....
currently i am challenge to build a 3D design of indonesian motorcyles.... it should be a honor if i could meet or introduced someone here by the name of MANDUN.... who is this great brother? i love your work of HONDA HORNET 600F...
Hi Roy and welcome!
Unfortunately we do not have a member with this username - I am not sure if he is a member here maybe with another alias...
Hello all, Id like to introduce myself. I’m Adam from Perth, Western Australia.
I’ve been lurking on this forum for a while now but haven’t contributed (yet). I’ve been “hobby modelling” on and off since the 486 days when I used to use a program I think called “CAD 3D” or something by Expert? That was a long time ago. Recently, my passion for modelling has been rekindled and I picked up Sketchup about 6 months ago. It was slow going for me at the start but I eventually read everything I could, looked at every tutorial I could, and was immensely inspired by the works of ixlrlxi/600v (amongst many others, some on here).
I then found this forum and was blessed by the fantastic content and willing help available. I commend all of the contributors and regulars that help out new modellers. I hope to one day have the ability to help out the newbies.
My interest in modelling is definitely cars and machinery in general. Whilst I haven’t had much luck with making decent cars, ive recently started playing around with SDS and will likely purchase Artisan soon. I hope to have a model of a car soon for all of the seniors to critique and hope to refine my mesh making skills. The more I research, the more I’m overwhelmed with just how many different ways there are of doing things. Using plug-ins, not using plug-ins, etc.. all I can do is baby steps I suppose and im sure to some it just comes naturally.
Anyway, a big thank you for all the great work being done here
Hi, Adam:
Welcome to the forums. Enjoy your journey. -
Hey guys, I'm new to sketchup.
I'm using the free version of SketchUp 8.Thanks guys
Even if you are unable to find MANDUN, you can do a search on "Honda" and "Motorcycle" and find several posts. I don't know if there is anything in there that will help you, you would have to explore those posts to see, but it might be useful.
There are some incredible car model building tutorials and examples that may assist you with the organic parts of a motorcycle design. Start with EliseiDesign at http://ely862me.webs.com/ His work is beyond words.
Good luck,
@roidsan said:
Even if you are unable to find MANDUN, you can do a search on "Honda" and "Motorcycle" and find several posts. I don't know if there is anything in there that will help you, you would have to explore those posts to see, but it might be useful.
There are some incredible car model building tutorials and examples that may assist you with the organic parts of a motorcycle design. Start with EliseiDesign at http://ely862me.webs.com/ His work is beyond words.
Good luck,
thank for the link... what a stunning tutorials
Hi my name is Mauro from Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Hi Mauro and welcome. Feel comfortable here.
Hello. Steve from London, Ontario Canada.
I am quite new to the Sketchup universe. I came across this wonderful product during my journey into custom arcade cabinet building. I found the tool invaluable in designing/re-designing my plans before taking saw to wood (or MDF in my case). I am currently using the Google Sketchup Version 8 free product and love it. This tool has helped me move from interested in woodworking and designing to actually doing it.
I have only just found this forum as I continue to search for a clear how-to on making a simple 3D box and then cutting a portion of it to make as a lid. I am sure this is rather simple but it has caused me grief to no end. This is for my second project a custom cigar humidor. Again never would've happened if it wasn't for Sketchup.
I look forward to learning lots from everyone here and hope to help others along the way.
Hello My name is Tim,
I have been using sketchup a while now to help me design memorials & give a better drawing to our suppliers.
Most of my designs are very basic, however I am starting to try & draw more of our fancier memorials.
I am of course coming across more problems which I generally overcome eventually. So my question is to try & speed
up some of my work generally so I don't keep customers & suppliers waiting to long.I have drawn a rope effect to go onto a kerbing how can I slice it off at a certain point without altering the rest
of the rope??Any help appreciated
Hi Tim and welcome),
I guess you could use the intersect tool but I am not 100% certain of the answer without seeing what you exactly mean.
Thanks for being so quick.
The intersect tool won't do it as the kerb is not a solid object, but a curved object grouped to a rectangle.
I would add a screenshot but not sure how to attach it.
The new "solid tools" intersect indeed only works with solids but there's still the good old, manual way of intersecting. The skp file would even be better (especially if you could mark what exactly you want to do or add a screenshot as well).
Below the text area you are typing your post, there is an "attachment" tab. Multiple attachments function (the plus sign) is broken so you need to add them one by one to the same post.