How to do good UV-Mapping? Possible with Sketchup?
You could try QuadFace Tools:
Check the YouTube videos for examples of how to use the UV Mapping Tools.
@unknownuser said:
- I made it one time and all was fine. The corners fit (after I clicked "Triangulage"), but the texture was irregularly (stretched / compressed) That looks ugly. How can I fix this?
Can you post example of the result? Easier to exactly tell what is going on.
Maybe this might help?
The texture is stretched because it's been skewed. You need to skew it bback again. If you have triangulated all those edges, then you'll need to turn hidden geometry on in order to see the two constituaent triangles. Positioning a texture only works on single faces, not two or more that have been smoothed or had their edges hidden.
Would it be possible to map a earth texture on a sphere.
I tried it with UVmapping wihtout success but I'm not sure I correctly used it. -
If you do not like the texture on it, you can reload the material in the Material browser > In model library with your own - UV mapping will remain intact (note that this model is extremely high poly stuff - 90 segments were used instead of the default 24 segments in the circles when the sphere was created so expect some lags in SU).
It was mapped with this plugin: