[Plugin][WIP][OpenSource] Bezier Surface
Looks great,thank You!
this is going to be a great plugin !
I was using SoapSkin Bubble to make curved surfaces from 4 connected curves/lines and that one too is a great plugin. It allowed me to produce projects with free form facades or landscaping.
But the ability to manipulate the surface after it has been created is a great addition!
many thanks !
I can't wait to get that great plugin!
Holy beep!
anything new here?
@jo-ke said:
anything new here?
I've sidestepped with QuadFace Tools. But everything in QuadFace Tools are things that can and will be transferred to Bezier Surface - since it's dealing with quad-patches. So it gives a double benefit - free tools for people now while at the same time it acts as research and development for Bezier Surface.
I'm close to release QuadFace 0.4.0 now, which features UV mapping. Then I'll finish off Vertex Tools 1.1 which is also nearly done. Then focus goes back to Bezier Surface directly, porting lost of stuff from Vertex Tools and QuadFace.So yes, lots of new stuff!
this sounds promissing. thank you for your fast reply.
@jo-ke said:
this sounds promissing. thank you for your fast reply.
When is going to be available for purshase this plug in???
I'm sure it will be worth the wait, looks great so far!
happened with this excellent idea? developing this?
@jorge2011 said:
happened with this excellent idea? developing this?
Yes. There was very little that happened in 2011, due to various reason, but I've picked up and moving forward again. I hope to be posting more info on development soon.
@thomthom said:
@jorge2011 said:
happened with this excellent idea? developing this?
Yes. There was very little that happened in 2011, due to various reason, but I've picked up and moving forward again. I hope to be posting more info on development soon.
Cool! was wondering what happened to this plugin. I know it will be awesome!
this is going to be a very smart tools. hope this tools can now create a framing along its grid and can be change accordingly , like you had sad about parametrics.
Xmas gift is coming...
From your lat images
Does it just 4 control green handles for a side "patch" or more are possible ?