Maxwell for SU plugin doesnt work on win 7 plattform
I have problems with Maxwell for SU plugin.
The preview and the rendering (fire) doesnt work on my win 7 system.
Also no button for saving.
It looks like a rendering process works but there is nothing to see in the windows (preview and fire)
But the installationprocess shows no problems.
It works fine on win xp and win vista.
All other Parameters are the same.admin rights
SU Pro 8.0.11752
Maxwell for SU plugin 2.6.0 licenes
Silverlight 4.0......I checked this again with Maxwell suite demo and there is no result in the plugin material preview too but the separat renderprogramm works fine with a result
Does anybody has any idea?
Thank you.
Try downloading the latest preview release for the plugin from the Maxwell forum to see if that clears up the issue.
Jason. -
Thank you for the quick answer.
At first: Sorry for my english, I try to explain in the way I can...In the same moment I find the installer for v 2.6.3.
I try it but there is a error message when I try to open the scene manager or fire button.
HTML element 'sl5uninstallosx' is missing
nothing more happens... -
If you are using the stand alone plugin (.zip file) make sure you delete all of the old Maxwell plugin files and folders from your SketchUp plugins folder before installing the new files... this way you have a "clean install".
Likewise if you are using the installer (.exe file) make sure you uninstall all previous versions of the plugin before installing the new version.
If you do not have a clean install of the files then files from previous versions can cause conflicts.
If you have a paid license you can post to the Maxwell forum (follow the instructions here: and JD (the plugin developer) can help you directly there with any technical issues.
Also it's worth checking that you have the latest updates for Windows 7 and Silverfast installed.
Jason. -
Take a look to the installation folder if you can find the two html files: firewindow.html and scenemanager.html
The Path should be Plugin>Maxwell>slNot sure about the installation process. But do you use the right bit Version for your PC?
Thank you.
I try it now in the maxwell forum too and will post the answer here.
Sure. I cleaned the plugin folder.
I even de- and reinstalled SU and no effect.
And I am sure I have the right version for my system.
And the 2 files are in the sl folder.So lets see what the maxwell forum says.