Ruby Scripting Question - Defining Functions
I am trying to streamline my code by putting my function calls into a loop. So far, I have been unsuccessful. Anyone care to give me a clue as to why?
#What I have"PlugIns").add_item("Method 1") {method1}"PlugIns").add_item("Method 2") {method2}"PlugIns").add_item("Method 3") {method3} def method1 derp = "derp1" end def method2 derp = "derp2" end def method3 derp = "derp3" end
The above code creates three menu items called "Method 1", "Method 2" and "Method 3". Those entries call the corresponding methods created below them. What I would like to do is put all of that into a loop so I can create as many entries and methods as I want. Here is my rough attempt at that:
#What I want max = 3 for n in 1..max switchStr = """PlugIns").add_item("Method " + n.to_s) { switchStr = "method" + n.to_s eval switchStr } def switchStr derp = "derp" + n.to_s end end
Now, unfortunately the above code doesn't work. I am currently looking through the Ruby documentation to determine what exactly it is that I need (a proc perhaps?) however I thought I would take a shortcut and ask you. So, what am I doing wrong here? I feel like this should be simple and I'm just missing something. Thoughts?
Why not make one method that takes arguments
module James ###menu"PlugIns") plugins.add_item("Some_Method 1"){self.some_method(1)} plugins.add_item("Some_Method 2"){self.some_method(2)} plugins.add_item("Some_Method 3"){self.some_method(3)} ### method[s] def self.some_method(arg=0) @derp="derp"+arg.to_s ### etc self.another_method() if arg > 0 end def self.another_method() UI.messagebox("You chose '"+@derp"' !") end end#module
Put your methods inside their own [your?] Module!
Called asJames.some_method(arg)
The value of 'arg' can be any type of class - here it defaults to0
, and the.to_s
assumes we want to convert it, whatever it is, into a string...
Note, makingderp
will allow you to use it in other methods within the same module too ! -
I tried using your function and sadly, regards of which menu item I select ("Some_Method 1", "Some_Method 2" or "Some_Method 3") it always says "You chose 3". Any ideas why I am only getting the final index of the loop?
Without seeing your exact code I don't know...
The first line in TIG's example should read:
module JStroup
and the last:
end #module
He typo'd ("method" instead of "module". And I'd use a more unique module name than just "James", but TIG's intent is that you always have your code run inside your own unique "Author" namespace.)
P.S.: This thread should be moved to the Developers forum.
@jrstoup said:
I tried using your function and sadly, ... it always says "You chose 3". Any ideas why I am only getting the final index of the loop?
It may work better if you pass the argument on to the
, like:
(Probably the cause is really the "module" typo as above.)require('sketchup.rb') module JStroup ### method[s] def self.some_method(arg=0) @derp="derp"+arg.to_s ### etc self.another_method(arg) if arg > 0 end def self.another_method(arg) UI.messagebox("You chose '#{arg.to_s}' !") end ### load once block unless file_loaded?(File.basename(__FILE__)) ### menu"PlugIns") plugins.add_item("Some_Method 1"){self.some_method(1)} plugins.add_item("Some_Method 2"){self.some_method(2)} plugins.add_item("Some_Method 3"){self.some_method(3)} ### reqister file as loaded file_loaded(File.basename(__FILE__)) end end#module
Sorry about the typo !
I've corrected the original post
[== a brain-fart - I must must type 'module' several times a day !]