The making of 2008 BMW E92 M3 GTR
@irwanwr said:
sorry elisei and steve, didn't mean to get off topic
Hey , no problem !
I'll rehire you for one reason : finish that minibus,slam it to the floor add some wider/bigger wheels put a W12 engine and let's ride together in the Le Mans race .
Btw , there is no thing as perfect blueprint, so don't expect all the lines to match perfectly.All the blueprints i worked on so far were disaligned. At the beginning I was a bit upset, didn't knew how to handle it, and then I realised that there is no need for perfect alignment(although that makes the work harder). Just make sure you follow the overall lines and you will be ok . Nobody is going to compare the real scale model inch by inch with your model !
Also, most important search for as many as possible good pictures of the car you are modeling, because you won't be able to reproduce a real car just from some flat blueprints(which are often not accurate).
Some more work !
And more work on this beast !
HINT: Don't forget to use XRay and parallel projection combined with each view to follow exactly the blueprint lines .
BTW : How it is possible to see the blueprints when i work inside a component or group? I am forced to work only outside groups or components because the blueprints are not in them . Is there a way so i can see them while are not inside the groups or components?
Getting there !!
wow, you should teach me how to have that kind of talent and patience working on that thing
Nice work! coming along nicely
@ely862me said:
BTW : How it is possible to see the blueprints when i work inside a component or group? I am forced to work only outside groups or components because the blueprints are not in them . Is there a way so i can see them while are not inside the groups or components?
Good question.. I'd love to see an answer. One possibility is to use photomatch - this is set up exactly for tracing images. It's tricky setting the view, but it's possible to do parallel projection I believe.
@ely862me said:
How it is possible to see the blueprints when i work inside a component or group? I am forced to work only outside groups or components because the blueprints are not in them . Is there a way so i can see them while are not inside the groups or components?
I already answered that one to Ely directly but I'll say it again so more people will know.
It is possible to keep pictures visible even while working in groups/componenets by just keeping the photo unexploded when you first import it. Of course doing this limits you to only being able to scale or move the pictures into place. So you'll have to precut the pictures and then import each one into SU.
@irwanwr said:
:thumb: wow, you should teach me how to have that kind of talent and patience working on that thing
I don't know if that is something to be taught but something to be achieved in time .
Thanks for that info Marian .
Some more work on the bimmer !
Getting into details !
excellent knowledge, good and neat job
how are you doing the step in the second to last and third to last images? From SDS to a simpler mesh? Are you using a plugin?
Hey guys,thanks for the comments!
I never let the parts subdivided, except when they are final, and even then I keep a copy of them unsubdivided .
I subdivide the part to see how it looks and then I undo the entire operation of subdividing.
I explained that better in my book :
cool, I'll have to take a look at that. Thanks for the clarification about the order. I was trying to think how to get a clean reduced mesh like that from an sds mesh
Very nice work Elisei. I am enjoying this thread very much.
Well I for one am not enjoying this thread. Every time I see what you are doing I want to put my hands in the garbage disposal! (right after I buy a garbage disposal. and after I take a hammer to my computer). Your methods are so far beyond my capabilities it really drives me crazy. You, sir, are the Grand Master of car modeling (picture here a smilie humbly bowing)
Thanks Eric !
@hellnbak said:
Well I for one am not enjoying this thread. Every time I see what you are doing I want to put my hands in the garbage disposal! (right after I buy a garbage disposal. and after I take a hammer to my computer). Your methods are so far beyond my capabilities it really drives me crazy. You, sir, are the Grand Master of car modeling (picture here a smilie humbly bowing)
Dear sir, trust me it is not something that you don't know ! You know how to build things, but you have not found your own efficient way of building cars .
With blueprints it is even easier(because u have a design to follow and you don't have to create another one) and harder(because you have a design to follow exactly) . But,with line tool you create the geometry and with move tool you place it in position . I think it all remains up to your patience .
Yet on a scale of 1 to 10 about car modeling(in all 3d softwares) I consider myself somewhere near 5 .
I am almost ready for final subdivision, taillights details are just the ones left(I hope) !
Elisei, you're doing an amazing job! The deal with this real model, is that you can really show your sketchup kung-fu.
Stefan -
Hi Stefan !
How have you been ?I wish SU could handle a bit more easier heavy models(or is it my PC slow).
I am ready for the paintjob !!The heaviest part is the rear bumper which took about a minute to subdivide !
Textures next?
After i apply all the colors and save the model I will apply some texture too !
Thanks !
A work of art! What's the poly count on this thing? It's got to be HUGE!