Creating curves on faces
Hi there, I'm new here and begginer at SketchUp too. I'm Russian, so in advance sorry for my English.
I set out to make a model of my desk calculator. Now I'm at stage, where I need to put digits and latters on faces of buttons. But I met some difficulties, as I'm trying to create curves of latters by pulling them down on the button's faces, then I make "Explode", expecting that there will be new curves, but nothing. What I'm doing wrong? Here is a picture, that explaining better than my words.
Hi Daniil,
Do just what you were doing before, but don't explode the letter. Instead, push it a little way into the face of the calculator key then right-click and choose Intersect > With model from the context menu.You will then get the shape of the letter 'stamped' onto the face of the key. You can get to the same stage by simply placing an unextruded letter in the same place, then exploding it (but you may get some 'double faces' if you do this...what we call Z-fighting...two faces occupying the same 3D space. Also, this will not work on curved have to use the Intersect method there.
If your keys are grouped, you will need to get this new geometry inside the group. You can do this by either performing the intersection inside the group, or (if it is easier) doing it outside the group then selecting it, the using Cut/Paste in place to transfer it inside the group.
thank you, from me too.
Alan Fraser, thanks a lot, it helps.
u can also use the "drape" tool for that, it comes with the sandbox tools (only SU pro i think) or this plugin.