Replace selection with component/group process
Hello all. Glad to post for the first time in your amazing community. I have been following you for some time, but didn't have something to add to most of the conversations so...
No I came up with a question:
I want to procuce arrays of a given number of components, along a pattern I've made.
Say I have a pattern produced, either manually or through an automated process: for example using Chris Fullmer's random painter plugin + Jim's Protrude or any kind of combination of the above...
If I am not wrong, there is no "select similar" command / plugin in sketchup. There are ways to do that, selecting similar components/families, but not just geometry/faces, thus I am taking the texture/material way, as you can actually select surfaces with the same material across the model.
So, to stop making it more complicated, is there a way to "spray" for example 3 different components over a giver surface, which I have subdivided and "painted" in a pattern of 3 different materials using randompainter, creating arrays of those components in a rationalized way?
The goal is producing what would be appear to be random patterns for building facades using a finite number of tiles/components.
EDIT: found a way to do sort of what I was after through the "components onto faces" tool, again by Chris Fullmer.
If there are better ideas around, plz share