Exporting Sketchup
I have an 8.03 free version of Sketchup and was wondering if it is possible to export models as a high resolution file- for example a 300 dpi file that can be brought into Photoshop and then printed out.
You can export JPG, or PNG or TIFF files. Go to File>Export>2d... When you get to the dialog box, set the file type. There'll be a button Labeled Options. Click on it and set the pixel width desired for you export.
On the Mac (AFAIK) you can also set the dpi (dot per inch) but in essence it is not needed. If you want a 10" image at 300dpi (when printed), export at 3,000 pixels. On screen, dpi has no meaning at all - it is just a resolution conversion for printing. If you want to print it, you can set the dpi resolution in PS (or any other image editor).