Curve sauface bad looking after working on it.
This can be really tricky to get rid of all the shading issues in this sort of situation. Sometimes if you just re-soften the edges it will be good enough. Sometimes it won't. Showing us a view with the hidden lines on might help a bit.
Sorry, I gave you bad terminology. I should have said turn on Hidden Geometry mode (Cntrl + H) so we can see exactly what's going on with the geometry.
It's not really because you started with not enough segments. In fact the more segments the more problematic the issue will be. Here's a thread that deals with a similar issue I had and how I resolved it. I don't know whether or not it's reasonable for you to resolve it in a similar way but it'll at least give you an idea of the complexity of the problem.
Dear Brodie
Well... here is with hidden geometry.
and after that one with round corner method( segments 60, offset= just where two hidden geometry after rounding meet).I tried triangle way and Hopefully If Ive done it right but not my solution. maybe rebuilding...
basically its not a absolute curve anymore and I really dont know why does it happen and as your post was clear about it, some times even after exploding and... it happens.I couldnt find my solution in that post although that was really expert discussion. I will still think about...
If any other solution occurred to you please inform me.
I appreciate your help
Soften didnt work. and a view hidden line on here(i hope Ive got it right). is it because segments was low in the beginning? no plugin for softening this kind of surface(Its a bad news if artisan does coz I did use 15 trial and cant buy it)
yeah, this problem comes up when you have tiny segments forming the edges of an softened curved surface..
there is a workaround but it's pretty painful..
here's a rough look at what you need to do. have fun
Jeff, how do you get along in that mess of text labels?
But yes, the problem is when cylinder edges intersect other geometry facets. Ideally edge should go to edge and facet to facet only - otherwise ugly - but to get it perfect, you would need an infinite number of them (i.e. real circles)
@gaieus said:
Jeff, how do you get along in that mess of text labels?
i'm mega-adhd.. it all makes perfect sense to me
i'll try to upload some adderall along with my next skp which contains text to help others understand it. -
dear Jeff
I have to say with my slow computer and 17 inches monitor and those text in each other, I didnt understand what was the process.(I noticed the clean intersect is not with a circular shape, will it be possible with a circular shape in your way?)
can I ask you to explain it here step by step to have a clean intersect?( do you have any idea about push pull or lines on curved surface when this thing happens?)
Thank you -
lol.. the text is overlapping when you open it? it's not that unorganized on my screens
model info -> text -> leader text -> select all leader text ->[change font size] -> update selected text.
the clean intersect IS with a circle.. the last note in the skp shows that's all the vertices of the circle are still the same distance from the centerpoint.. which, to me, is just as much of a 'circle' as a bunch of segments equally spaced around a centerpoint.
i think my point with the model was to show that, yes, it is possible to produce better shading when intersecting 2 curved surfaces but it's not anything you want to use on a day-to-day basis..
but all i was doing is this: turn on hidden geometry in one of your problem intersections.. you see how the dotted lines of one surface isn't intersecting with the dotted lines of the other one? then turn on the hidden lines in the file i uploaded and you'll notice the dotted lines are intersecting properly.. and you need to make customized geometry in order for that to happen.or, just deal with the bad shading ..or, use a nurbs based app for this type of stuff
Thank you dear jeff