Layers, groups and components..oh no?
To start, I would like to thank everyone who replied to "An easier way to do this" a post by Carcharodon. I also read "welding "Groups" together" by Curtis.
Both these post caused me to go back and review the part of "Google Sketchup for Dummies" book, which covers the use of Outline, Compoments and Groups. After reviewing those sections, I feel that I was correct (as I outlined my use of Layers) in the easier way post.But, reviewing the book renewed expanded my knowledge of Layers and such. One point is the use of components in modeling. Also, Using the knowledge gained by reading "Welding "Groups"...I now plan to make more use of components. Thank all of you again, because people do read these post and good thinks come from it.
Question: I have a model that is all ready in progress that has several parts that could have been components. I could make one of these parts into a component. Once the "component" is created, do I have to delet the other excesting part and replace then with an "Instances" of the new component or is there and easier way of doing it? Thanks for your help, Bob
Well, I am afraid that in case you used raw geometry (not groups/components), there is no other way than manually replace those "instances". Copies of groups can be detected (with some plugins) but similar shapes of raw geometry cannot (to my best knowledge of the available plugins).
Well I would suggest you create a component of each shape you want to replace , select them all, open component window, right-click the component you want them to be replace with, choose replace selected that's all.
Note: if they are not in the same orientation you must orient the axis when you create them.
Hope I've been clear; not sure.
If the geometry you wish to use to create a component is attached to other entities, just make sure the Replace selection with component box is ticked. This box is normally ticked if there is no intersected and unselected entities attached. It is not ticked, however, if you do have intersected, unselected entities attached, that box will not be ticked. Ticking the box will obviate the need to make the component, delete the original entities and insert the component. It's all done automatically.
If you have multiples of a "thing" and you want to make them instances of the same component definition there is a plugin you may find useful. I'll find the link to it and post it shortly. It is accessed from the context menu with entries called Get Definition and Apply Definition. It's quick and easy but as Gilles says, if the orientation isn't the same, you'll need to correct that after applying the definition.
In the future you'll surely want to make components as you go and make your work flow easier.
The plugin I mentioned is Rick W's Apply To .
I downlaoded the Apply to plugin and install the file in SU 7 plugin folder and started Sketchup 7. The plugin does not appear in the plugin menu. Also checked view toolbars and tool menu. Your help please, Bob
Bob, as I wrote in my previous post, the plugin appears in the context menu. It'll only be there if you right click on a component.