Deleting extruded surface
Hello All,
I have a model of a boat hull. When I extrude the surrounding water surface upward, the inside of the boat floods. I cannot seem to select just the surface of the water that lies inside of the boat to delete it. I chose "intersect with model" and I can see that there is a visible edge bounding the water surface on the inside of the boat. When I select it - all of the water outside of the boat gets selected, too. Any advice?
Best, Jeff
If your boat hull is "water tight", it should intersect with the water in a way that it forms a closed loop and you should be able to select the water inside the boat separately. So (especially without seeing the model), my first bet would be that either there is a small leak in your hull (say between the two halves if you made it from two, symmetrical components) or maybe during the intersection, somewhere some too tiny edges are created. In this latter case, try to scale everything up (say by 10), intersect again and then scale back.
OR share the model so we can have a look...
Thank you Gaieus! I will zoom in and look for leaks. The hull was formed with a curved line on a flat plane and then "lathed" using "follow me" around a circle.
Best, Jeff