Getting rid of lines when you zoom
Hoping someone can help! When I zoom out of my model in sketchup to take a perspective shot then random lines appear on exterior of the model made by the outlines of interior walls, the more I zoom out the more lines appear. It would kill me to go and hide every line or to edit it in photoshop everytime.
Is there a simple way of removing those lines?Thanks!
Not in a SU output. You are seeing the interior wall edges bleed through because they are rendered at a pixel size (min.), so as you zoom out a pixel is relatively bigger than the thickness of your walls.
You must be zoomed out quite a ways if your walls are normal thickness. You can try putting the interior walls grouped on a different layer and hide them for these exterior scenes.
Peter is right. There are only two ways of working around this. The first would be to use an external renderer to produce the perspectives....this will not pick up the interior lines. Second way would be to simply get rid of all lines altogether by opening the Styles dialog and unchecking both edges and profiles on the In Model > Edge Settings tab.
A third way to prevent those interior lines from showing is to use layers. Put the components/groups on different layers so you can turn off the interior components/groups for those long shots. This gives you additional advantages, too. If you want to show the interior without the exterior, you can turn off those exterior groups or components leaving just the framework or whatever interior structure you have.
In this little demonstration building I made two different exports. One with the sheathing layer turned on and the other with it turned off. Then combined the two images in an image editor.
Hey Dave, That third way was what I said!
I was assuming OP wanted to do this in SU.Nice image and method. What line style is that?
Sorry about that. I was just repeating what you said.
Thank you on the image. As to the line style, I don't remember for sure. It is one of the ones I made. Probably Inking2.1. I exported at 3000 pixels wide to make the lines thinner. Actually, I looked at the full size version and I think it was one of the pencil styles I made instead. It's too rough for the Inking style. I ought to pay more attention to the styles I use. I've created more than 100 for my own use and just pick them somewhat at random.
Thanks so much! I use layers, but never thought to put the interior walls in a different layer. works a charm!
One more thing!
Is there anyway to stop my sketchup model from disappearing every time I zoom in too close. I am working right on the 'reference' mark so too speak, it making model building so slow when I continuously have to zoom in at a different angle to catch the line im trying to delete!
It's a known limitation of the OpenGL rendering engine. See some of the tips and clues below. (if your model is too large for instance), you can always turn something into a component, right click > Save as... and then open that component as a single file in SU and work on it. When done, save it, go back to your original file, right click again and "Reload..."