Occupy Wall street
@tfdesign said:
But how do you intend to rally 'the people' when all 'the message' does is alienate 'the people' by claiming that they are brainwashed or stupid?
if it were up to me, personally, to rally the people..
i'd suggest that nobody sends money to the IRS next april.. i mean, we complain about all these crazy salaries and/or bonuses for the banker ceos and whatnot but where does the money actually come from? it comes from us.. our labor. basically 3 months of our work year is for nothing other than making a small handful of people very rich.our income tax isn't being used for bettering the country (education, infrastructure, healthcare, etc.).. it's being used to pay off interest to the federal reserve (private banking institution).. i.e.- they put $1 into circulation but we have to pay them $.25 to use that dollar.. unfortunately for us, there isn't actually enough money in circulation to pay off the debt so we pay it via labor (in other words - slavery)
so yeah, I'm pretty sure i could say to someone "you're stupid and brainwashed! but you don't actually have to pay taxes".. and they'd oblige
@unknownuser said:
You could also start by setting fire to your Mac? Apple are a global corporation and their products are manufactured in China.
pretty much everything i own and/or use is along the same lines.. me personally getting rid of the stuff isn't going to change anything.. i'm at the bottom of the barrel.. it's the people/corporations/banks at the top that need to go..
I guess since I mentioned the federal reserve up there, they'll be checking in on this thread soon..
here's your chance to say hi!
It was only a matter of time before things started to get out of hand: http://www.cnn.com/2011/10/15/world/occupy-goes-global/index.html?hpt=hp_t1
Yikes!!! this is gaining momentum, maybe even out of control.
Note to Bilderberg group: avoid meetings until things cool down.
"A great industrial nation is controlled by it's system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the world-- no longer a government of free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of small groups of dominant men." -- President Woodrow Wilson
The best thing so far that I have noticed is OWS in NOT partisan.
I saw a great sign in Dallas this morning (yeah we also have protests going on)
@unknownuser said:
The mere idea that Democrats and Republicans exist separately is a delusion...no different than two fleas arguing over which one owns the dog.
@solo said:
"A great industrial nation ..."
here are the two sentences w.wilson said just prior to what you quoted:
"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country.A great industrial nation...."
Woodrow wilson is the man that was duped(?) into handing over a big chunk of our govt to the banks in the first place..
via wiki:
He began bankrupting America by signing the Federal Reserve Act. This also introduced the IRS, which would tax the income of citizens to pay off the interest on US government loans. The constitutionality of the IRS has been in question based on the fact that it was never properly ratified, and that it may be seen as a violation of the 4th and 5th amendments. -
In order to fix the way the government affects us we need to fix the way the government is elected and to eliminate, or at least greatly mitigate, the effect of personal wealth on who can run for election.
States of the United States are required, like the federal government, to be republican in form, with final authority resting with the people.
*%(#8000FF)["The republican form is defined as one in which the powers of sovereignty are vested in the people and are exercised by the people, either directly, or through representatives chosen by the people, to whom those powers are specially delegated.
Article IV of the US Constitution guarantees to every State in this Union a Republican form of Government. This was required because the states were intended to create and enforce most domestic laws, with the exception of areas delegated to the federal government and prohibited to the states. The founding fathers of the country intended most domestic laws to be handled by the states. Requiring the states to be a republic in form was seen as protecting the citizens' rights and preventing a state from becoming a dictatorship or monarchy, and reflected unwillingness on the part of the original 13 states (all independent republics) to unite with other states that were not republics. Additionally, this requirement ensured that only other republics could join the union.
The original 13 British colonies became independent states after the American Revolution, each having a republican form of government. These independent states initially formed a loose confederation called the United States and then later formed the current United States by ratifying the current U.S. Constitution, creating a union of sovereign states with the union or federal government also being a republic. Any state joining the union later was also required to be a republic."]*
But, over time, the powers of the states have been continuously eroded by the federal government and the representatives of the people are not elected by popular vote.
Furthermore, the election process has become an extraordinarily expensive marathon affordable only by the very wealthy, taking nearly a year with primary elections and associated campaigning.
IMHO, two steps in restoring control to the people would be to eliminate the electoral college so that representatives are elected by popular vote; and limit primaries and associated campaigning to three months.
Three months!! Yes, because with TV, and especially the internet, anyone wishing to reach the people with their message can certainly do that in three months. This is not the 19th century anymore where it took months just to get the word around; or even the 20th century with radio and ultimately television.
See my other post here;
(so I don't double post, and break forum rules
"It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning." ~ Henry Ford
"Too many of us look upon Americans as dollar chasers. This is a cruel libel, even if it is reiterated thoughtlessly by the Americans themselves." - A. Einstein
A couple of fitting quotes for the times ...
I am so NOT proud of what happened in my country yesterday...
It looks like the Occupy Wall Street movement is gaining momentum! More details can be had here, http://www.occupytogether.org/
It also looks to me that the 'powers' are quite afraid of this movement and not willing to put the troops / police in, to stomp it out as they would have done in the past. It appears Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg is afraid of You Tube! Maybe he was joking but I think not!
I feel something like this would have been unthinkable 20 /30 years ago but these days the power of the Net is practically untouchable. I imagine the 1% in financial control are wondering what to do next. No longer can they manipulate the economies of the World from behind closed doors with impunity. Its now quite easy to identify who these people are. I imagine they don't like this one little bit! There is only, so high, a security wall can be built and they know this. Anonymity has been a great security wall, pre the Net (You Tube, WiKipedia etc), but not any longer.
What's going to happen? I have a feeling this movement will grow simply because there is no 'head' to it. It reminds me the Ganhdi movement in a way but more effective because, as I say there is no 'head' that the 1% can try to 'buy off'.
Maybe we are getting closer to true Democracy in the Western World? A Democracy whereby each citizen will be able to cast their continuing support vote via their mobile phone on a regular basis also debate and table solutions on a regular basis that all can vote on. This probably sounds over simplistic in one way and very complicated in an other, but I feel some way possible with the standard of 'instant' communication we have these days.
In this day and age, it just does not make sense to me that I elect a politician based on what they stand for and says they will do and then they go back on their word and do as they please or are 'encouraged' to do by the 1%.
If I employ someone to do a job for me over a 5 year period and find that after 6 months they are not doing that job I would like to be in a position to force them to do the job as agreed or sack them, not grit my teeth and wait for a further 4 years and 6 months before I can kick them out of the job! Okay, no political system can be changed overnight so we will have to live with the political party system for a while to come!
But what if, an elected Government, having a majority, would also be required to have a majority of citizen continuing support votes on an ongoing basis in order to pass bills / laws as stated in their election manifesto. Surely something like this would keep them on the 'straight and narrow' AND more importantly NOT give the 1% the inclination or ability to 'buy them off'!
Okay, it will be argued that this would be unworkable. But something along these lines would make sure that politicians and political parties would have to be straight on policy matters when seeking election. Once they diverge from their stated policies they would need further approval from the citizens. Its not enough to rely on the 'back benchers' as most of them will sit on their hands dreaming of future promotion etc.
Such a system would also encourage citizens to take more of an interest in politics ..... more that than the candidates hair
Does anyone have any more 'What Ifs'?
Regarding the What If's: "The best laid plans of mice and men gang aft agley" to paraphrase someone memorable.
I'm not sure what will be achieved as there are so many causes being represented and I fear the main message will be lost within it.
I would like many things to change but I am a realist, you cannot change something so big so easlily.
My main wish is to get the money out of politics (both campaign finance and lobbyists) and prosecute the banksters that created the crisis.
Why prosecute bankers? Prosecute the real culprits, Governments!!
In fact forget prosecutions- far too expensive! Form new parties with new, progressive politics and throw these dinosaurs out!
@tfdesign said:
Why prosecute bankers? Prosecute the real culprits, Governments!!
Let's be on the safe side, and prosecute both. Not that much difference between politics and the world of high finance anyway.
It would be interesting to see what people here think of international corporations such as Greenpeace and the WWF?
@tfdesign said:
It would be interesting to see what people here think of international corporations such as Greenpeace and the WWF?
From my readings, it appears the OWS protests are pretty much focused on companies within sovereign borders. If you wanted to discuss "international corporations" then perhaps Union Carbide and BP would be more suitable examples ... It seems to me that you picked 2 corporations that would probably spark more visceral responses ...
..... I think the whole thing will have to hit rock bottom AND only at that point will some fairer more equatable system of governance be adopted and run for a time before the greed factor turns it upside down again.
The 1% are worried! They are now dealing with a well informed and educated populous for the most part. Knowledge is power! They are finding it difficult to locate the right 'scraps' to throw to the masses and time is running out quickly.
When I recently heard some hot shot arrogant Wall Street stockbroker declaring on TV that he loves to see recessions coming along because it creates more money making opportunities for him, it stuck in my craw!
These leeches have to be far more controlled. Eradication, no! Nature has a place for all parasites but She controls their propagation and maintains a balance. We have lost the balance in the Western World's finances and we must emulate what Nature would do to regain it, enforce a balance by what ever means necessary
It will happen one way or the other, sooner or later. The 1% will always need food, clothing, shelter. 'protection' etc etc as they are skilled at is manipulation finance. They can't survive without their 'hosts', the populous!
A byegone parasite IMO, Mayer Amschel Rothschild quote states, Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes her laws. We still have these parasites in our midst!
@idahoj said:
From my readings, it appears the OWS protests are pretty much focused on companies within sovereign borders.
Further proof that no one really knows what they are marching for!
On the radio this morning the 5 major energy companies in Great Britain announced even more price rises. Some bills have increased over 100%!!! Yet the government are doing bugger all (why am I not surprised?). Labour interjected, with the same old "we would have done that" when everyone knows quite well, that in power, they wouldn't.
With energy, it's down to investment, and it's something we won't see with "renewables"- well we will, in the way of wind turbines, because they cost millions to put up and service. But that all comes out of our pockets as energy corporations don't want to invest- and with a population frightened off by a nuclear only future, is that hardly surprising?
....and this is why I raised the point about Greenpeace and the WWF. Yes it probably will "spark more visceral responses", but they, and privatisation (as well as public share holders) are very much part of 'the problem' too.