[Plugin] CleanUp
@thomthom said:
@utiler said:
just a global explode.
That ain't a "just"...
It might cause geometry to merge - which you do not want. Plus, Explode can be dreadfully slow...Thinking about this again, TT.
Could you implement something that selects all on same layer, group it and name the group the layer name. Then change using CleanUp use Geometry to 0 would do just that....Maybe?
When I use this plugin in the newest version, it merges materials with the same color attributes, even though they use different images. I am pretty sure that did not happen before, as I just recently discovered this great plugin. How does it compare the materials and decide which ones can be merged?
Also, I do not fully understand every function of it. What does "Remove Edge Materials" do? It has no tooltip which explains its function. -
@pherim said:
When I use this plugin in the newest version, it merges materials with the same color attributes, even though they use different images. I am pretty sure that did not happen before, as I just recently discovered this great plugin.
You mean it differs since what version? I did not change anything to the code doing the cleaning between 3.1.4 and 3.1.6.
Do you have a sample model?@pherim said:
Also, I do not fully understand every function of it. What does "Remove Edge Materials" do? It has no tooltip which explains its function.
It removes the material from the edges.
I believe I first used version 3.1.4, and it did not happen with this version, as far as I remember. I have attached a small model which contains four materials that merge into two when I use Cleanup.
cleanup_test.skpHm, I do not consider myself a sketchup beginner, but I was not aware that edges can have a material. What is this good for?
@pherim said:
I believe I first used version 3.1.4, and it did not happen with this version, as far as I remember. I have attached a small model which contains four materials that merge into two when I use Cleanup.
Well there is absolutely no change in the last three versions that should affect that. But I'll have a look.
@pherim said:
Hm, I do not consider myself a sketchup beginner, but I was not aware that edges can have a material. What is this good for?
I for one use it when I have imported Cad plans to colour code various layers etc. But you have to set the current Style to use the edge materials, as the default is to use black.
I'm seeing the issue. And I found the bug.
I'm also seeing a new bug where the settings is not remembered between sessions... -
Version 3.1.7
- Fixed a bug where materials with different texture but identical colour merged.
- Update to TT_Lib 2.5.8 required!
That was fast! Thank you, now it works!
Thank you very much!
Version 3.1.8
Fixed a bug that could occur for users with SketchUp older than version 8. -
Feature suggestion: instead of those preset cleaning options (Erase hidden geometry, stray edges, geometry on layer 0, and so on), it would be nicer to have the possibility to save customized presets from Clean webdialog. Maybe a field for preset name, then save.
Thank you
why arent these coplanar faces (from two different GoogleEarth imported meshes) merged?
in this thread, I first tried to use the 2D Boolean plugin. To no use, as we can see here. There are still plenty of coplanar faces where the GoogleEarth imported meshes overlap.
@aceshigh said:
why arent these coplanar faces (from two different GoogleEarth imported meshes) merged?
Can you post the model?
Also, what are your settings? Remember that CleanUp has options to take into account face normals, material and UV mapping when merging.Also, that image seem to illustrate faces occupying the same plane...?
@thomthom said:
@aceshigh said:
why arent these coplanar faces (from two different GoogleEarth imported meshes) merged?
Can you post the model?
Also, what are your settings? Remember that CleanUp has options to take into account face normals, material and UV mapping when merging.Also, that image seem to illustrate faces occupying the same plane...?
no need to upload the model. It happens with any model, when importing several GoogleEarth meshes which overlap.
@aceshigh said:
@thomthom said:
@aceshigh said:
why arent these coplanar faces (from two different GoogleEarth imported meshes) merged?
Can you post the model?
Also, what are your settings? Remember that CleanUp has options to take into account face normals, material and UV mapping when merging.Also, that image seem to illustrate faces occupying the same plane...?
no need to upload the model. It happens with any model, when importing several GoogleEarth meshes which overlap.
Well, I don't see the behaviour, so if I am to check this out I need something to work with.
And these meshes, do you merge them into one group?
@thomthom said:
@aceshigh said:
@thomthom said:
@aceshigh said:
why arent these coplanar faces (from two different GoogleEarth imported meshes) merged?
Can you post the model?
Also, what are your settings? Remember that CleanUp has options to take into account face normals, material and UV mapping when merging.Also, that image seem to illustrate faces occupying the same plane...?
no need to upload the model. It happens with any model, when importing several GoogleEarth meshes which overlap.
Well, I don't see the behaviour, so if I am to check this out I need something to work with.
sorry ThomThom, it had happened in every experiment I did before, so I wrongly assumed it would happen in every one. But I did one try with two small pieces and nothing happened (although there were some lost textures in the process)
So I will upload a SKP file. Thanks for the patience and hard work.
@unknownuser said:
And these meshes, do you merge them into one group?
yup. Merge them into one group, then explode the meshes inside the group. Then CleanUp them. In the file I am sending you, not only some faces were lost when using CleanUp, as some coplanar faces were not merged, so you can see some texture flickering when rotating around.
Also, what are your settings?
That model is after CleanUp is run? You got the original?
@thomthom said:
Also, what are your settings?
what settings ThomThom? The ones from CleanUp³?
everything selected except Geometry to Layer 0, Merge Identical Materials (its two different materials, a bitmap for each imported mesh), so I saw no reason to use it) and Erase Stray Edges.
sorry, I didnt keep the original imported meshes. But I will try again with new imported meshes.
Looking at the one you sent, I selected everything and intersected it with itself a few times. CleanUp doesn't clean up faces that partially overlaps. Only faces that fully cover the exact same space as another. After intersecting and then cleaning there was no overlapping.