Converting scetchup drawings to JPEG pictures?
Hi out there in Scetchup land.
I am absolutely new to Scetchup, but it looks wery promising and userfriendly.
I have one question that is important to me, and will try to explain:
I am making some ( relatively ) short slideshows. My next show is about the history of an old stone house ( 13th century ) and only some traces of it is left, so the idea is to try to "recreate" it externaly and internaly with Scetchup . After this is done I want to take the "visitor" inside with me. To do so, I have to "transfer" the Scetchup dravings into ( preferably) JPEG images and import them into my slideshow. So the question is: Is it possible to "convert" the drawings into "ordinary" pictures like for example JPEG ?Best regards
jacktar -
It's simple, go to File/Export/2d Graphic, and choose JPEG Image
It's dead easy to do this. Go to File>Export>2D... Also note there's an Options button. Click on it and you can choose the export size.
Victor is quicker on the draw. (Ha! Pun.
There is most likely a tutorial or three on this very subject, either in YouTube, or some other source.
Dave, I'm an export myself from way back.
Thank to all of you for cind and good answers.
The Sketstcup it is what I am going to use for the future
Also ( Like you allready maybe know. Englis is not my mother language, so if I do any spelling mistakes you are free to smile.A good grin never hurt anybody.
Best wishes to all of you from