[plugin] EdgeFollowMe - UPDATE Aug 30, 2011
Kristoff, thanks for sharing your test model. The "loopy" one just reqired reversing the line before selecting the profile. The large rectangle exposed a bug in the code which I was easily able to fix. The mis-match at the start/end point is as expected since I have not yet attempted to compensate for. It is on the todo list.
There are only two things of importance you have to do when using this plugin and that is make sure the profile is at the start of the path and is oriented properly. The profile will parallel the path if it is not on the path. When you selected the "loopy" path with the profile on the wrong end, the extrusion was offset by that distance.
Sam, does this only work on a single path?
No, you can select any number of connected edges or a curve.
Follow Me And Keep is really better
@sdmitch said:
No, you can select any number of connected edges or a curve.
Thanks make, not really getting that to work. do you:
- select profile
- select start point for extrusion then keep picking around a path or points till finished?
how do you finish; double click?
This EdgeFollowMe was meant to be a EdgeFollowMeAndKeep ?
The FAK code is readily amenable to adjustment - swap 'face' for 'curve', and find midpoint of curve.vertices rather than face.vertices etc it should then work much the same... -
Looks like I have been wasting my time if FAK already does this.
Andrew, Just like Sketchup's FollowMe, select the entire path first then run the plugin and select the profile.
not a waste of time as FAK does faces and it keeps.
FAK works on selected face[s].
BUT you could recast some blocks of its code to process a curve's vertices rather than a face's vertices... -
@sdmitch said:
Looks like I have been wasting my time if FAK already does this.
Andrew, Just like Sketchup's FollowMe, select the entire path first then run the plugin and select the profile.
I was hoping to be able to place a profile in place the pick a path, Sam. At times it's easier to do so rather than zoom out to find the path then execute...
I don't think you have wasted your time at all!!
Thanks Sam.
Sorry Andrew but EdgeFollowMe3 is the end of the road.
no worries, Sam. Thanks for your input...