How to use sand box
I totally forget how to use the sand box
I tryed but no result
must I make a simple ground before ? -
Play around, start with second icon (from scratch)to create a mesh then use the smooth and stamp etc to get a shape going, before long you will have it down.
sorry I dont understand , my english is not 100%
erzane, check out these short video tuts and you should be good to go
Position yourself in sandbox, wiggle a bit left to right, perform necessary action, rotate and use scratch tool to hide deposit, exit sandbox with head held high and tail twitching.
Don't be mean in the Newbie forum, guys...
Gábor: here are some Help Center articles about the sandbox tools:, read through and when you get stuck, post that specific question.
thanks a lot guys
Sorry Erzane, it was too good to pass up.
Sounds familiar though. With the wedding last year, I also married three cats beside the wife.
Gaieus, thanks for your links in french words, they was very interesting
btw for the moment I dont use the sandbox for more advanced things, only for make groundsI succeeded to make a sandbox but I couldnt succeeded to add it to my floor
my construction seems to be in a very complexe interdimentional space
pls can you watxh it and make setting better for me ?
I dont know were is the florr, the sky ....
the big problem is my file is too big for attach -
thanks, I notified it, will send you the file asap