Stone Sculpture
Just finished rewatching that video. Great tutorial
and food for thought.
You really should wipe off your camera
Make it larger and it would be a nice desktop, I like it. -
Consider this an unfortunate side effect of unemployment. Also spending your day in pyjamas watching Dr Phil whilst a crappy dual core overheating trying to run Thea
Been there...
Rich, they are great. I've looked at external mapping programs, they seem a little complicated (well for thick old me). BTW they remind me of our lass,,, Hard Faced.
John -
If I am reading this correctly, this was texture mapped in SU? What sort of plugin would allow such nice mapping?
It says "mapped in UV Layout2"
My guess would be this: -
I know this is an old post but that is 1 amazing render, I want it on my wall, love it