Finding the centre point of an arc
how can i find the centre point of the radius of a given arc quickly?
Select line tool, hover over arc until inference point appears then move cursor to approximately the centre and the centre inference should appear.
There's a great option discussed in the Help files called "Point at Center".
It's amazing what the Help files can tell you.
Hi folks.
If after searching the help, you are still unable to find it, use Menu Window --> Preferences --> Extensions. Use the check boxes to enable the utilities. While at it, why not enable all of them. After that, close SU and restart to make sure that all extensions will load completely. You do this only once, normally.
With the extensions enabled, the contextual menu for an object, will show, as the last choice, "Point at center" for circles, polygons and arcs.
Just ideas.
@jean lemire said:
Hi folks.
If after searching the help, you are still unable to find it, use Menu Window --> Preferences --> Extensions. Use the check boxes to enable the utilities. While at it, why not enable all of them. After that, close SU and restart to make sure that all extensions will load completely. You do this only once, normally.
With the extensions enabled, the contextual menu for an object, will show, as the last choice, "Point at center" for circles, polygons and arcs.
Just ideas.