HELP - render wall material
Over the years ive had trouble coming up with a render wall texture to suit walls that are RENDERED. Its kind of hard to explain the texture so ive attached how trades people do this. Its basically a rough wall (concrete'ish) render.
How would i achieve this?Ive tried using a diffuse colour only in the diffue slot and use a bump to get that rough texture look but i dont get the desirable results... what im after is something that shows the rough texture... I also need the flexibility of changing the render colour, so is it possible to use any diffuse colour i want and add a bump/displacement to achieve this result? Or do i have to create this text in photoshop (along with colour) and had it in the diffuse slot?
See attached images, hopefully someone can help me'
Thanks guys
If you get a good bump map - you can use that either in the bump or displacement slot. You could also try playing with the noise and stucco texture in the vray materials textures. As far as color, you can create an additional diffuse layer to adjust color only, and use the Alpha color trick to make your first diffuse layer transparent (and use the bump map as your texture to control the mapping.) Hope that all makes sense
@andybot said:
If you get a good bump map - you can use that either in the bump or displacement slot. You could also try playing with the noise and stucco texture in the vray materials textures. As far as color, you can create an additional diffuse layer to adjust color only, and use the Alpha color trick to make your first diffuse layer transparent (and use the bump map as your texture to control the mapping.) Hope that all makes sense
Thanks heaps Andy, Ill have a play tonight when i get a chance and let you know if it works... you wouldnt happen to have a vismat you could share so I can study it to be sure im doing it right?
appreciate the response!