Render this: Rusted, busted old beaten up car
The breaker’s yard field
Pilou, have you dropped a tab of acid?
Only sweet candy
One of these days he is gonna decide on his favorite color( or favourite colour)
He already decided his favorite color was "RAINBOW" ;o)
When I try to export the model to Thea I am getting all these weird artifacts. I have done all the usual, purged unused, turned on hidden to see if there was anything, turned on hidden geometry to have a look, and run thomthoms Cleanup. Still have artifacts.
Any suggestions?
Strange, I exported model without doing any cleanup (as posted) and it's clean.
Here is the .skp I was working with. All I did was add different colors so that I could identify and play with textures in Thea and set one scene.
Flawless, try exporting without checking model hierarchy.
Ah, thanks Pete, that was it alright.
Quick test render. Can`t nail the glass though.
Guy, I'm not sure what texture you've applied for the glass but the standard gray glass in SU works great, adjust opacity in SU and reflection in your render app.
Recycled farm house model!
Told the wife that axle could never support her weight.....but as usual she always knows best
That rendering with the old farmhouse is just brilliant.
Here's my contribution. Thea TR1 with PS post pro. This was a real challenge for me, and I hope I can play some more as I have really gained some knowledge.
Hello Dale, that looks great, I like the wheel on the back seat. "I hope I can play some more as I have really gained some knowledge." I don't think this is a time challenge thing, keep going.
John -
Looking good so far guys, I'm hoping to get to play next week also (got some work at moment
2nd try, a little more beaten up.
Wow Dale. Nice one! Love the setting.
John, another nice one!