[Plugin] Lines2Components v1.2
I wrote a snippet for someone a while ago.
To tidy up the Plugins Index here it is again.
I have relinked the original posts back to here too...
Here's the original thread http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?f=323&t=18198&p=147559#p147559It turns Selected Lines into Instances of a Selected Component...
Usage: Put this file into 'Plugins' folder. Open a Model. Place Components and Lines... Select an Instance of the required Component, and at least one Line (Edge)***. Pick 'Lines2Components' from the 'Plugins' Menu. If the Selection doesn't contain Edges or an Instance an error dialog tells you... You are prompted for the 'Scaling': None/Z/XYZ. ***The Z-height (blue) of each Line relative to the Z- height of the required Component sets the 'Scaling'. One by one the Lines are turned into Instances of the required Component, Scaled to suit. Any Scaling is about the Instance's insertion point. The Instance's insertion point is taken to be the lower of the Line's ends. Unless the scaling is set to 'None' 'flat' Lines (equal Zs) are not used, then the insertion point is the Line's 'start'...[Lines2Components.rb](/uploads/imported_attachments/E9er_Lines2Components.rb) [](https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=3675634)
Missing the first
But maybe was not on board at this dateYou are untiring!
I discovered this plugin of yours today and think it's very useful for some circumstances.
Now this tool can only turn vertical lines into components. Don't you think it would be more powerful if it can also change nonvertical lines (For example,the blue axes of the component along the lines) into components? -
I was wondering, could this plugin be converted easily to take the length of a line then rotate and scale a component (along its z axis as boilingsnow noted) appropriately to it?
this kind of plugin is workfull.
我利用Lines2Components V1.2改編
發此源碼與大家分享I'm from Taiwan, name: Hoshino legend
I do not know English
This is a google translation
I use Lines2Components V1.2 adaptation
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