How to accurately modify the size?
There's no special "input window" - just type and press Enter. What you are typing (or doing in general) will however appear at the bottom right "Measurement box" (née VCB) unless it is hidden by something.
And finally use FredoScale plugin -
EDIT I am affraid that is the same solution than TIG
You can also use the Scale tool
(I believe the more speedy)
Select your object
make any transformation you want at any coefficient
(many choice: from opposite, with SHIFT, CTRL, SHIT+CTRL, etc...)
then type your measures wanted but with unity + Enter!
like 13cm even you are working in meter!!!
That's all
Have fun precise modeling -
@liangzhu said:
Thanks. I tried these two methods but I can not see any input window for size, is it because my version is free?
Hi Julie!
That "input window" is on every SU version , pro and free! Maybe you it wasn' t activated from the start. When you start SU does it say on the bottom of your screen "Measurements" right besite an input box?If YES, that is exactly your input box for typing , whatever you wanna type !
If NO, then go to menu: View > Toolbars > Measurements , and thats about all!
Hope I somehow helped!CAntonis
The measurements input box that is being referred to, Julie, should be there whether it is selected in the toolbar list or not. It is normally found in the lower right corner of the SketchUp window. As you drag out a rectangle the Measurements will show you the dimensions and they will change as you drag the rectangle. If you stop dragging and type the desired dimensions, they will appear in that box. Notice the format of the dimensions as you were dragging. On an English keyboard the dimensions are displayed as n,n in the units selected in Preferences>Units. The natural temptation is to try clicking in that box to select it for data entry. Don't bother. Clicking there doesn't do anything. If the box is available for you to enter a value, it's background will be white. When it is gray, typing does nothing in that box. The Measurements box has a label which will change depending upon the tool you have selected. If you are drawing a circle, it is labelled as 'Radius'. If you are drawing a line, 'Length' and so on.
Could be the System Tray bar is locked on always visible and the Sketchup window is "underlapping" so that the VCB is hidden?
Hi everyone,
Thank you all. I have been able to accurately modify the size successfully with your suggestions. It's simply because at first I thought it would be somewhat a popup window, and ignored the right bottom.
Have a nice weekend!
While I was happy to see this thread end in a happy ending I was hoping to take a small twist to the conversation and see if this friendly group could help me with my relatedproblem. What I'd like to be able to do is as follows:
- Accurately change the size of a shape in my drawing;
- without changing the overall scale of the rest of the drawing
I would like to use the Tapemeasure approach of typing in exact measurements (e.g., 5" by 7") rather than the relative approach of the Scale tool (e.g., make this shape 95% as big, etc.). The problem is the Tape Measure tool seems to always want to resize the whole drawing which is not desired. The Scale tool does behave correctly WRT to this "scoping" and only scales that objects I've selected leaving the rest of the model untouched but as previously mentioned the Scale tool seems only to allow me to put in relativemeasurements which is not what I want.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Ken,
- Make a group of what you want to resize
- Enter the group's editing context (short: double click)
- Use the tape measure tool to resize the content insidethe group
- Explode the group if needed.
Lesson learned; the tape measure tool always resizes the content of the context it is used in. If outside any group/component ("top level" or "model" context), the whole model while only the content of a certain groups/component you are editing.
@gaieus said:
Hi Ken,
- Make a group of what you want to resize
- Enter the group's editing context (short: double click)
- Use the tape measure tool to resize the content insidethe group
- Explode the group if needed.
Lesson learned; the tape measure tool always resizes the content of the context it is used in. If outside any group/component ("top level" or "model" context), the whole model while only the content of a certain groups/component you are editing.
Fantastic. I should have tried that ... it makes sense. Can't wait for the weekend to try it out.