SU-2-Thea exporter 0.87
Dear Friends,
We have prepared an important update of the exporter.
The most important addition is a 'hierarchy/grouped' method of exporting SketchUp models.
It means that Thea's scene structure will resemble a hierarchy of groups and components in SketchUp outliner. This in turn gives you full control over a geometry inside those groups - including moving, rotating, scaling and material assignment.
This method is also considerably faster then old way of exporting 'by material'.Images are being exported now without a problem.
SketchUp camera movement can be now exported as an additional camera called 'SU Camera path' and/or 'Smooth Thea camera path' . This will help you create rendered animations inside Thea. This feature will be expanded in future to support various animation plugins.
We have added a 'quick render' and 'quick export' options to improve a workflow.
We believe that recent additions will make your Thea experience even more satisfying and help you deliver stunning images.SU2Thea toolbar retains its visibility on MAC's. I am sorry it took so long to figure it out.
Thea Exporter is being registered as an extension. It can be now turned on\off through 'Properties\Extensions'.Here is a link to Thea Forum for those who want to give it a try. It will be available in Thea download section soon.
Best wishes
Thanks Tomasz a lot. Great job (and I know that some cool features are also coming).
+1 Great job on the plugin
Awesome! Thanks you so much Tomasz,
SketchUP 8, Thea 1.0.8 Demo, SU2TH 0.87, Win 7 Ultimate 32bit
It happens when using groups instead of components - the parts inside cabinets are groups. When everything is components there is no problem with renderings.
Hehe. That's funny (and something's indeed buggy here). Would you mind posting it here as well? is working his ass off ATM and it's more likely that he monitors that forum more often. He'll definitely have questions (like how you exported; instances/hierarchy etc.)