[REQ] Group push-pull
is it possible to make a push-pull tool that is able to push or pull faces of a group directly from outside the group?
It appears quite often that i have grouped objects, e.g. pillars of different length, which i'd like to adjust- and then you have to double-click to enter the group, click outside, go on to the next group, and change the tools during that action all over again..I hope you understand what i mean, it seems that i'm explaining thing a bit difficult sometimes..
So, any suggestions?
Maybe there is already one and i just didn't know. Would be quite good then, actually..
I haven't tested but it claims to do what you ask
Great, i didn't know about that! (..obviously)
Thanks you very much, and by the way, that was quick!
that was even quicker than i was able to edit my post
it at first glance doesnt seem to make the trick.. i don't really get what action the plugin performs and it seems quite unfinished developed- the author says in his topic that it was in a hurry.. there is some how-to instruction missing in that thread. maybe i should give it a deeper exploration.
anyway, i seems like it could be possible and that's a good start
Well if it doesn't work i'd suggest using Outliner.
Simply double click your group in Outliner whilst Push/Pull tool is active. This will 'jump into the group and allow you to pull. Double click next group in Outliner. No need to exit each group and this method saves a few clicks until someone writes or finds push/pull groups plugin