Follow me tool problem
Hello guys,
last time I wrote my first post here about a problem I couldn't deal with. I am really glad and thankful for your help.
The atmosphere on forum is so friendly.
Unfortunately for you guys I am here once againg with another problem
I am making 3d version of logo that looks simple at the first look but I am new with sketchup and it gives me problem to deal with.First of all here is a reference image of the logo:
In cut it's a square with round edges.I did my first model of this black form with follow me tool thingy and it was very similar for final result. Here's a sample.
I forgot to turn of the Xray module.
It was going really smooth till this drew my attention. Edges are not matched on the connection (excuse me for typo in jpg image my english is bad unfortunately):
Another problem is that I can't set the thickness of that model. I have no clue how to do it. As you can see in reference image the thickness of the black form is changing.I decided to start modeling it from scratch with using another method. This time I drew edges of that the profile (once again the black version of that logo form) and pulled the face out. After that I used scale thingy to match the thickness of the model to the reference 2d logo. Take a look guys
While using this method I don't know how to model that round angles/corners and then tilt it at given angle.
Guys could you please help me to improce my SketchUp skills.
How can I finish this model properly. Is there a plugin that could help me.All kinds of help will be appreciated. I will be very grateful.
Best regards,
M. -
Perhaps because your reference line is not coplanar. It seems that the follow me shape is rotating as it follows the reference line.
Remark generator curves in your model then...
You can absolutly modelize every thing with this familly of plugs
Extrude Tools by Tig as you can draw any curves then make some loft or sweep with it as a nurbs modeler
A little more complex but same result is Curviloft by Fredo 6
For some rounded volumes Round corners by Fredo6
Have cool modelingPS Maybe Followme and keep by Wikii can also help for some forms
so much love. Thanks for tips it's so great!
Posting the model is much better than the jpg.
It is documented in various postings the follow me tool has an artifact of rotation (for some conditions) of the profile you are trying to extrude. The follow me and keep avoids that issue. I would suggest you try the follow me and keep or TIG's extrude tool set.
When using the follow me make sure you pay strict attention to the perpendicularity requirement of the profile to the path. One of the first steps is the projection of the profile face with the path vector so if you are not perpendicular you will get a slight foreshortening of the profile. -
Instead of modification of your model consider consider: moving copy off to side and delete all edges except the inside and outside and then use the sand box tool to drape those on to a new surface and replace the image you are using with that surface