Texture Not the Same in Render App + crashing
I'm trying to change the transparent glass in my windows to a stained glass texture. I made the windows into components and tried changing the textures via "edit components" and clicked on the glass face. I chose a stain glass material from the "in model" list that's on a window I downloaded. In Sketchup's window the change is there and seems fine. But then after I export to Kerkythea the windows are the blue transparent glass again. Then Sketchup crashes every time I click on the entity info thumbnails (not sure if I need to go in there). I believe I am not understanding something about changing materials but I don't think the crash is supposed to happen. Any ideas please. Thanks in advance.
Transparent materials are generally applied on both (front and back) faces. Try to make sure that your stained glass is applied on both (or at least that there is nothing else is applied beside this material)
Thanks Gaieus. I ended up exploding all the windows and reapplying the texture from scratch for the very reason you mentioned.
And did it work?