I know I'm not a fan of 'pop' music, but this 'song' makes me want to punch myself in the face...
Imagine what this would sound like if auto tune wasn't invented
[good example that auto tune will not solve everything...] -
Friday on my mind, a few generations back. Compare and discuss.
@solo said:
hmmm, at my age it's all noise.
Like the awesome Japanese antidote to Justin Bieber; MASONNA!!!
I managed to listen for 10 full seconds. The generation gap is widening.
Rebecca Black or Masonna?
@tfdesign said:
@solo said:
hmmm, at my age it's all noise.
Like the awesome Japanese antidote to Justin Bieber; MASONNA!!!
I swear, that man is possessed.
I tried watching the whole way through - 10 seconds into it and my dogs started barking because the mailman was coming to the door. Went and collected the mail and tried to quiet them down and realized they sounded better!
IMHO - this kind of stuff is rampant because it is so easy to do anymore with cell phones / cameras / computers, etc. The parody was funny...but I can't help to keep thinking - don't these people have something better to do?
The original to me is just a pop video - not music. Just static in a world that would benefit from more moments of silence!Dean
But I think what you don't realise is that Masonna, and a handful of other Japanese artists also doing a similar thing, well this was done 15 or so years back. yes you can make stuff like that on your cellphone now, but you didn't 15 years ago. It's 'art', and you have responded in a way that a lot of good art gets responded to, ie it's annoyed you, or shocked you, or even made you laugh. You've even wondered if that person who made it had anything else better to do!
Can you think what people in Germany thought about the Bauhaus movement? The Bauhaus caused an uproar in the world of architecture. Some loved it, other, more conservative people (including Adolf Hitler) hated it, and condemned it. Yes it is noise, but Stravinsky also caused riots on the streets when The Rite of Spring was originally performed, where a dancer, 'danced herself to death'.
John Cage has already done the silence thing. One great big sustained chord, and then 4 minutes and 33 seconds of silence. You can even down an mp3 of 4.33 minutes of silence! How's that for value for money?!
Sorry - should have clarified I was referncing the original Friday video and the parody Alan posted. While someone might argue the point - I don't consider what I was intending to comment on Art. My wonderment for "didn't have anything better to do" was in reference to all of the different parodies already out there for the Friday video.
With regards to the Japanese "Artists" - I don't have an opinion either way. I know art (like beauty) is in the eye of the beholder, and everybody has their own tastes - which they are entitled to. For me - I couldn't listen to more than 30 seconds of it. Remidned me too much of the "cookie-monster" bands my son listens to.
I am going to find Simon's post to find something to listen to now..........
I don't know, maybe it's all in the delivery...
Best cover so far.