Acht - Achter
Where did you find the details?
Thanks for all your feedback, guys!
@simon: thanks, my friend, Iยดll try somethig different next time. I am not that interested in guns - things like these belongs in a museum ( although the mere choice is a typical Freudian lapse - I hope it doesnยดt make me a trigger happy nut after all
@Bryan K: it was modeled after the gun displayed at the Barcelona museum. -
I'm glad we don't go hunting together. I would hate to carry your ammunition.
Add my praises. Really well done.
@roger said:
I'm glad we don't go hunting together. I would hate to carry your ammunition.
Thanks, guys! -
I suspect you own one of those and have spent the last 10 years modeling it- am i right?!
Nicely done. -
Not really
But I have been working on and off for about a year, mostly because of the HD failure
Luckily, there were plenty of spare parts from scrapyards -
@numbthumb said:
Not really
But I have been working on and off for about a yearMore I watch it, more I appreciate the details and the perfect mastering ->numb
(can you please put some close ups ?)simon
Thanks, Simon - the sepia adds its own flavor to this image, looks excellent!
@simon le bon said:
can you please put some close ups ?
You can have a closer look here -
bro, this kicks ass with a lot of details!! fantastic work here!!
ka Boooom!!! big Bang on the details there mate.....just awesome
@ delineator, MikeR: Thanks for the encouragement,guys!
I am finally getting around to looking at your model closely.
You must have one of these things in your back yard for reference. The detail is amazing!
Thanks. I intend to simplify those tiny parts, because they are "spares" from my previous models - I guess that chain links for instance, could have far less segments.
What do you think?@unknownuser said:
You must have one of these things in your back yard for reference. The detail is amazing!
Hehe, no, I used walkaround pics from the military museum of Montjuic in Barcelona and the Naval Museum in Tigre, Argentina as a reference.
Plus some of my own taken at Vierville-sur-Mer & Arromanches couple of years ago during my trip to Normandy. -
nice to see someone getting pleasure from the modelling, not just the renders. excellent work - your massive input is worth every minute!
shanks for sharing
Simply amazing. Seeing this makes me want to stop my helicopter and start something new!
Thanks for the flattering remarks, guys.
@ liam887: funny, I was thinking the same thing. I mean, to start a helicopter project -
If you guys combined forces you would have the ultimate in military-geekdom (I mean that with absolute respect): the helo-mounted 88! I'm sure Jerry Bruckheimer would drool at the thought of it...
I never thought of that - an eclectic approach indeed!
That thing would beat the cr@p out of those post-apocalyptic "Mad Max" vehicles.
Thanks for stopping by, dsarchs! -
excellent model