Filters, Filters, Filters - New Free Plugin for SketchUp
Rich has created a set of Image Filters for IRender nXt which allow you to sharpen up your images after rendering.
The Sharpen filter, especially is a quick way to improve the rendered image.
Sharpen Filter for IRender nXt:
Original Image:
Rich's filters worked so well with rendered images that we decided to use them create a new Free Add-on for SketchUp - RpImageFilters. This lets you use the same filters on images from SketchUp.
Of course, you can already do this with many Paint Programs. But it is handy to do it directly from SketchUp. ALso, you can apply several filters - such as Brightness, Contrast and Sharpen to the SketchUp image, then modify your model or view and automatically apply the same three filters to the new image.
Check out the Free App at: RpImageFilters
To download a copy and try it out, visit: [Render Plus Downloads]Render Plus Downloads](
This Embossed Sample is strange, but shows
what an extreme filter will do to a SketchUp Image: