Escher in Real Life?
Super cool!
some people have waaaay too much free time. I am so envious of you guys that can MODEL space ships, airships and other stuff seemingly just for fun. Who has time to actually BUILD something like that.
Government grant!
Oh damn. I was almost finished with mine. Oh well scooped again. Guess I'll have to think of something else.
Adjusting perspective to go up (down) the chute I get, but the water wheel?
something I found a few weeks ago-
This tiny URL takes you to a video made by fellow who has made cardboard optical illusion models. The text is all Japanese but the music is interesting and the models are very clever, looks like marbles are rolling uphill etc. then he turns the model and you see that the parts are twisted to make downhill look uphill. The illusion only works from one viewing angle.
Kind of long (13 minutes) but you can jump ahead. I don't know if this has shown up anywhere else on the forum. I was thinking it would be an interesting challenge to create a SU model of some of these illusions. However I doubt if I have the skill or patients to fiddle with it.
Cool effects there, too. Here is the full link (to me, the tinyurl link was broken - into two): -
@Jim Smith:
Yes, I looked at these when you posted before. I assumed everyone had seen them. Very entertaining. -
Perpetuum Mobile. Excellent project with tricky perspective
....let's drive!
my Russian Speaking son told me the caption on the car says. . .
"Anything is Possible".
Except a going in rerverse from the looks of it. . .
...for Woodworking guys...
The original video is starting to cause havoc in my live. My brain knows its a trick but now it keeps screaming "HOW?" I know its part perspective, but that waterwheel is driving my subconscious crazy trying to figure out; any guesses?
@prismcnd said:
The original video is starting to cause havoc in my live. My brain knows its a trick but now it keeps screaming "HOW?" I know its part perspective, but that waterwheel is driving my subconscious crazy trying to figure out; any guesses?
I came across this while looking at The Daily What Geek. Maybe it will let you sleep.