Wow, here is a blast from the past. A friend of mine got hold of 6 years worth of Grissom High School (Huntsville, Alabama) marching band performances and is starting to post them on Youtube. I was a part of 4 of those years. My freshman year I got to play a duet on the field during Malaguena, a killer marching tune.
This is the video from one of those competitions. Right at 3 min. you will see me and Darrell Bicknell play a duet. He played lead and I played second, I am on the right. We won best ensemble on the field for the entire competition. At Grissom we marched almost 360 people that year and out of 40+ trumpet players I got to play the duet as a freshman... [brag] Ahh memories...
Awesome video, Eric! As an old trumpeter this brought back a lot of memories of my days back in HS (though we never attempted this one!).
Good job, Eric.
I started out playing the trumpet (or more appropriately, torturing the neighbors with it) but after about two years the band instructor told my parents I ought to take up something quiet like painting.
I do envy those who can play music. I couldn't carry a tune in a bucket.